Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Tristan Sheydragon said: ↑ No one ever said that raftel is in Grand line. Each of these leads to an island and the midpoint between those four islands is the location of Raftel. Profile von Personen mit dem Namen Rafael Onepiece anzeigen. I believe you only learn about the existence of the Road Poneglyphs at the last island in the Grand Line. I use to think that Black Beard would be luffy’s final opponent in the series, but ever since IMU, that’s clearly not where Oda is heading anymore at least. Not really. Once you translated that ancient text on them, each will indicate a certain spot on the map and by connecting the four spots ( which can be anywhere on the map ), you will get to Raftel. Look at the map when Inu is talking. Keep in mind that even if you know the location of two islands, that doesn’t mean that Laugh Tale isn’t in the middle of the distance between the two islands. This was the whole point of the second journey. He then continues to analyze presumably the regular poneglyphs until he eventually discovered the Red Poneglyphs which he then realized made up the 4 points leading to this secret island of massive knowledge. With a surprise tie-in to the mysterious island at the end of the Grand Line, Raftel, we also got the official romanization of the name which was much different than everyone expected. Press J to jump to the feed. Little has been seen of the island, but its shore appears to be composed of steep cliffs with large amounts of wilderness, though there are some objects that appear to be shaped like buildings or fortifications. But otherwise you will just go between Poneglyph A and B and never find it. Not many things come remotely close to Raftel’s level of importance, so the title of “ultimate” has many levels/ties. Raftel is the Moon. We don't hear about people accidentally stumbling into it despite the sheer number of people who have been travelling at sea for decades. Heute möchte ich über dessen Lage reden und darüber, wie die Insel aussehen könnte. Design of Raftel. Think of it as Raftel is "just" an island that Roger happened to leave his treasure, One Piece, on. So God Valley is the opposite of Raftel in many aspects, but carries a similar level of impact on the series. Kaido is a tan, seemingly middle-aged man who cuts an imposing figure due in equal measures to his extreme height (somewhat comparable to Big Mom's 8.8 m) and muscle bulk, making him easily dwarf normal humans. He then went back to the start of his adventure basically and went back everywhere in search of these road poneglyphs. Like, in the blues, or in the beginning of paradise. It would take years. They could be pararell to each other or diagonal, if its diagonal then it might be a chance. It's confirmed that the last island of the Grand Line isn't Raftel. One Piece is not only about "becoming the Pirate King", it is about Luffy and his "creed". Let’s end this with the theory that Raftel is somewhere inside the Red Line, and probably the place where all seas converge in one (making an x, which is the mark of a treasure ;)), reverse mountain. If im right, is there something more beyond Raftel? So they likely also point to the nations of their enemies . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. Also, there are islands in the Sky and Underwater so you might not even be searching in the correct place. You should reread the conversation Nami has with Cat and Dog during the Zou arc. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! According to One Piece Raftel is the island at the end of the New World where the treasure “One Piece” is apprently hidden. NOTE: For more One Piece-related stories, readers may route here. As the last pose island is just where you gain the knowledge of the Road Poneglyphs. Bei One Piece ist Crocus, der Leuchtturmwächter, die erste Person, die Luffy und seine Freunde von der Insel erzählt. A to B, A to C, and B to C. And the ocean is really huge. "Road Poneglyphs"(ロード歴 … It could be an undersea or a sky island or (I highly suspect) a satellite. Add the Yonkous to that, who themselfs can't even find it, and it becomes impossible. Afterall the question of "why don't just do it with 3 Poneglyphs" might appear. But it is extremely difficult. That would also mean that the distance from Laugh Tale to any of the other islands is not equal. I know this might be dumb but really you should only need 2 poneglyphs because wherever the 2 lines meet is where it is they don't need all 4 because there straight lines so where 2 of them meet is also where the other 2 will meet so they only need 2 to get the the last island. If it is on Raftel there is no mystery here but it doesn't explain the ending of the Gaimon story. Edit: Maybe that's why Oda Plans to show were Raftel is after the Wano arc. 2. You need at the very least 3, but to be certain 4 poneglyphs. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. One of those locations could be in the sky or on the ocean floor, which would add a 3rd dimension and make it pretty much impossible to find without the 4th poneglyph. This is just my guess, unless otherwise confirmed in the story. Last updated: December 6th, 2019 to reflect the more of the One Piece canon. He had no way to read them, but he did have the VOAT (voice of all things) so that is how he was able understand their meaning. Raftel Island. raftel is considdered to be the final island in the grand line because it's the one island that remains to be found after you've reached the end of the new world. And missing one could mean a big whole in the story. When Luffy & the straw hats will rise to the top and reach Raftel will One Piece be already gone? the island at the end of the grand line is where you learn how to reach it, only that the straw hats doesn't need to go there. log in sign up. 15 Skypiea Arc So Whitebeard had the opportunity to know where One Piece but his reply to Roger's offer we don't know if he was told the location or not. Im letzten Artikel haben wir untersucht, was der Name bedeuten könnte, basierend auf verschiedene Theorien, die von Fans diskutiert wurden. For example route. For example the middle of a X. This theory is about things we can expect in Raftel arc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Because you would not know were the Poneglyphs are. I have been trying to convince my friends of this for a long time. Cookies help us deliver our Services. So I do believe that begining and end has another meaning Tristan Sheydragon, Jun 22, 2016 #24. pelin likes this. The only way to get in is to go to route 126, dive underwater, and look for the entrance underwater. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! Man sagt, dass Raftel das Ende ihres Abenteuers sei und den Großen Schatz von One Piece besitzt. Thank you. You are correct. Once you reach the final Island, you simply learn about the road Poneglyphs. Her assumption turned out false. Hi, ich bin es nochmal, Mokugyo! If it was as simple as following the log pose then it wouldn't be as great of a achievement. One Piece is said to be in this Island And the story these Poneglyphs have might be important. Poneglyphs are massive block shaped steles made of an indestructible type of stone.They have text written in an ancient language carved on them. It shows that "end" of the log pose route" and then an X on raftel being beyond the last pose island and before the red line. He belives pirates are free and in doing the right thing. Raftel is formed by using two words: Raft meaning something used as a boat or floating platform and El which is a … Should be easier with 4 poneglyphs. Bezüglich des Schatzes von O… It's probably called the "Last" island in the Grand Line more because it's the last place to reach, requiring certain conditions to be met or etc., not necessarily because it's the furthest along. For many fans, some of its best moments occur around the start of the series. “Literary perfection” is the only way I can describe it. Am i correct or did i miss something? The islands used to find the coordinates of Raftel might not be in the Grand Line. Follow @PiunikaWeb. You are correct. Roger, der Piratenkönig, und seine Crew sind die einzigen Leute, von denen wir wissen, die die Insel gesehen haben. I know the common theory that Dragon has some sort of wind or weather controlling devil fruit. u/Tracerygaming. Raftel, the end of the Grand Line. Simple epithets later go on to form deeper meaning. We will then have a final War Saga against the WG. No. As One Piece has teased in the past, Raftel is the last island of the Grand Line that Gol D. Roger's crew once found. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Raftel is the island at the end of the Grand Line which supposedly holds the treasure One Piece. In that conversation Nami stated she had assumed that the last island the pose lead to was Raftel. The four Road Poneglyphs each mentioned an island somewhere in the world. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But if there were 3 then you would have to travel every route. pelin. Nice to see someone of the same mind. Did I miss the part where the manga says that Laugh Tell is at the intersection of the 4 poneglyphs ? Image credits:Viz Media/ Funimation/ Onepiece.fandom. Er arbeitete einst als Arzt und Teil von Roger’s Besatzung. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. XD XD. Write for us! 15 minutes ago. The most popular theory is that they hid it on Raftel, the final island of the Grand Line.Given the recurring theme that a treasure is merely something of great personal value (e.g. This is what was being discussed during this scene, I hope this helps to clarify for anyone else having trouble understanding this. From there, the real journey begins. No one except the surviving members of the Roger Pirates actually knows where and what the great treasure is. That way most drems of our beloved Straw Hats will be fullfilled in the same place. Edit: Or if one of the poneglyphs point to a non-geostationary satellite (e.g. Λίγα πράγματα γνωρίζουμε για το νησί, αλλά φαίνεται ότι αποτελείται από απότομες βραχώδης ακτές με αρκετές ζώνες άγριας φύσης, αν και φαίνονται και αντικείμενα που μοιάζουν με κτίρια. “One Piece” episode 958 is another installment that fans should not miss since it will feature Garp and the Pirate King himself, Gold D. Roger. Because 4 poneglyphs will make and exact point were everyone meets. The World Government are aware of the road poneglyphs and Raftel, but are unable to reach it. Basically because Roger's Crew had no knowledge of this they had to do a brand new journey. the island at the end of the grand line is where you learn how to reach it, only that the straw hats doesn't need to go there. Raftel is also probably not a normal island, or it would have been found already. If that's true, then Raftel cant be the last island of grand line, 2 of the location glyphs will have to be further along the way. Its possible, so lets explore other possible locations of One Piece. PiunikaWeb is a unique initiative that mainly focuses And that is totally wrong. Fate is also a major theme within One Piece, and I believe Roger was fated to be buried on Dawn Island, which would in turn, bring Shanks to the Island….So in a sense, Roger was in fact the one who found the man he was waiting for, and set him on the path of fulfilling his role of finding Raftel, and the One Piece.. *Theory by Celestial D. Dragon Raftel is a Macguffin, an arbitrary location to obtain the title of 'King of the Pirates'. The fact that they have been unable to reach it, even long before the beginning of the great pirate era and the rise of the Yonkou suggests that the poneglyphs were given to their enemies. Despite this, it is still likely that Shanks and Buggy would have been able to reach Raftel and find the One Piece if they wanted to and therefore haven’t found it because they don’t want to find it. No it is confirmed that the last island the log pose leads to is not Raftel. Raftel soll die Insel am Ende der Grand Line sein. They went through the first time simply just going along for the adventure and trying to "be the freest person on the seas" more or less. 3. r/OnePiece. r/OnePiece: Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. Then at the final island there is a text or sign of sorts alluding to the existence of a secret wealth of information contained on these Poneglyphs, basically it alludes to the void century. Are you a One Piece enthusiast who’s got a good hand on writing, & would like to share their knowledge base with other Manga fanatics? Close • Posted by. Because the geographic last island in the Grand Line is not meant to be Raftel, the best option I see available is the theory that the point where the four islands cross is, in fact, Reverse Mountain. I just thought of this but what if there is a mirror on raftel even if its not big they could still see on it using the mirror diminsion? In a flashback Roger offered Whitebeard to reveals him how to reach Raftel (the supposed location of One Piece), but he replied he was not interested in going there. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! But you might be able to find it with only 3. For example, in Pokemon Ruby/Saphire and their remakes there is a place called Sootopolis City. But not if there are only 2. Messages: 5,677 Likes Received: 56,685 Trophy Points: 22,790 Bounty Points: 36,100 . Von ihr spricht man, wie von einer Legende. This is why Gol D. Roger specifically had to go through the entire Grand Line twice. One Road Poneglyph is held by Big Mom, one by Kaido, one is … I agree that it might be possible with 3 (if you chart a course that goes around along the triangle). This has been worked on Arlong Park, Alabasta, Shabaody, Gyojin island among many others. Enel is already there. So they don't have to repeat their adventure the way Roger had too. 7 likes. the moon), it would even add a time-component. He is the true pirate king. Believed to be the home of the One Piece (Probably is), the Real Poneglyph of the True History #VoidCentury, End Game Arc etc.. We can all agree that Raftel and the last war of One Piece would be an epic one in all of manga/anime history. But because there are 4 points, it would only work if you had the opposite corners, for which you would need at least 4 of them because otherwise you could be skimming around the edges instead of the center. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. I don't imagine that it's in the sky or deep below the ocean as there's already locations in both places and yet Raftel is still obscure. Maybe if there are 3 then your theory might be possible. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! Theory spoiler. 3 poneglyphs would only work in 2-dimensional space. Dieser Artikel ist eine Fortsetzung des vorherigen Artikels über Raftel aus Eiichiro Oda's One Piece. One Piece is on Raftel or its not. On a map, when these four islands are joint, the point where they all meet to form an x is the location of Raftel (or the specific entrance to it because the point marked could be portal to elsewhere for all we know). Now what is actually Raftel? User account menu • Where raftel is. Write a short note about what you liked, what to order, or other helpful advice for visitors. If so, then our platform could be your opportunity. Press J to jump to the feed. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. There are a total of three types of Poneglyphs scattered across the world; Historical, Instructional and Road Poneglyphs: 1. "Historical Poneglyphs" reveal pieces of ancient history as well as messages written by ancient people. It will only be like 2-3 arcs imo. In this article, we'll take a look at and rank the top 10 One Piece story arcs. After Raftel, Luffy will have found the One Piece, and will be considered Pirate King. Straw Hats basically get to avoid this "redo" of the Grand Line by already knowing about the existence of the poneglyphs thanks to Alabasta arc and mostly Robin. Luffy's hat) and that Roger, like Luffy, did not value money or gold, One Piece may be nothing more than an item Gol D. Roger valued. raftel is considdered to be the final island in the grand line because it's the one island that remains to be found after you've reached the end of the new world. Ok I think it makes perfect sense that the 4 Road Poneglyphs would take you to a time travel gate (or a dimensional gate) and that is how you can get to Raftel. Basically, my theory is that Raftel is inaccessible to everyone due to some freak new world weather phenomenon, and the reason that Roger and his crew were the only ones to find it was because he had some weather controlling devil fruit. Everything in one piece has a hidden reason. We know there are 4 location poneglyphs that form a cross section with Raftel at the center. On the other hand, some fans claim it is not until later arcs that the series really took off. The location of Raftel is not directly determined by the position where you have found the four Poneglyps but by the coordinations which are provided in the ancient text on them. Luffy only has to go through this once, which is why he also won't be 50 and dying by the time he finally reaches the end of the journey. So i know we don't "know" where it is yet, but somethings been bugging me. In other words the One Piece is in the middle of Poneglyphs A, B, C and D. If you just have 2 then the line will be between point A and B. I imagine Raftel is either not on their planet, or its located in an alternate pocket dimension of sorts. The answer is quite obvious : Where does the Marines work and for whom actually, The government who is the supreme power and somehow ruling the One Piece world. I am of the belief that the four islands are made up or one island each in the West, North, East and South blues. I honestly don't think it will be as simple as just finding the island out in the open otherwise it wouldn't be shrouded in such secrecy and lore. It's located somewhere in the New World and because of the nature of that sea it's hard for even the world government to send out a search party. Raftel is still the last island on the Grand Line it just doesn't have a pose signal to follow. From the East Blue to the New World, anything … Press J to jump to the feed. Well, 1 poneglyph with the gps coordinates of laugh tell is enough in theory ;). "Instructional Poneglyphs" contain instructions and/or clues about the locations of Historical Poneglyphs. Even before the Road Poneglyphs were revealed to be a thing, it still could have happened that perhaps the Log Pose route would take you to an island past Raftel, and then have you double back to reach it, or something like that. Around along the triangle ) Big Mom, One by Kaido, One by Kaido, One is …,...: 5,677 likes Received: 56,685 Trophy Points: 36,100 und Teil von Roger ’ s.. That conversation Nami has with Cat and Dog during the Zou arc in the! Raftel soll die Insel aussehen könnte along the triangle ) are aware of the Gaimon story, Shabaody Gyojin... Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit end has another meaning Sheydragon... This is just where you gain the knowledge of this they had to do a brand New.! Able to find it, and look for the entrance underwater r/OnePiece, the for. 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