Longer melismas illustrate salutari (salvation). [72], Sicut locutus est (As he spake [to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever]), the last line of the Magnificat has a theme in four distinct measures: the first repeated notes, the second flowing eighth notes, the third quarter notes in leaps, the fourth half notes leaping up a sixth. Basson. [67][68] In the 1733 version this continuo line is given to a continuo that includes cello, but not bassoon and violone. [32], Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (From heaven on high I come here)[25] is the first stanza of a hymn by Martin Luther, "Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her", a paraphrase of the Annunciation to the shepherds. [33][34], The first occasion after the mourning period that re-allowed concerted church music was the feast of Visitation, Thursday 2 July 1733. Hogwood sees Bach alluding to his musical "forefathers": "He portrays, in a very square fugue, exactly how square he thought the forefathers of German music were. That year there had been a period of mourning after the death of the sovereign, Augustus the Strong. 8) → two movements in the same major key (9, D), Measure 1–30: the orchestra presents itself with what looks like a. [33] In Bach's autograph, the four movements are grouped at the back of the volume. In this block the chorus takes a leading role, limited groups of instruments accompanying with short ideas taken from the opening tutti, until in the last two measures all instruments join, ending with the second main motive played by trumpet I in measure 60. N. Jenkins)", "Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot BWV 39; BC A 96 / Cantata", "Bach Cantata Translations / BWV 243a – "Magnificat" (E-flat Major)", "Bachs Es-Dur-Magnificat BWV 243a – eine genuine Weihnachtsmusik? [44][76], Quia fecit mihi magna (Because he did great things for me) is an aria sung by the bass, accompanied only by the continuo. [24] Such an example can be found in Claudio Monteverdi's Magnificat a 7 voci, one of two alternative Magnificat settings included in his Vespro della Beata Vergine. Bach, Johann Sebastian Et Exultavit from Magnificat BWV 243 sheet music for Mezzo Soprano Voice - 8notes.com Bach uses the melodic formula as an instrumental cantus firmus in movement 10 (Suscepit Israel) of his Latin Magnificat. 30. It is a duet of alto and tenor, beginning in parallels of sixths and staying in homophony for most of the movement. Bach: Cantata No. (1955) Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, Series 2: Messen, Passionen und oratorische Werke, Volume 3: This page was last edited on 16 January 2021, at 13:22. [89] A year later Robert Franz complained the composition had still received too little attention from music critics and so remained virtually unknown to the general public. [41] The autograph of the E-flat major version of the Magnificat (BWV 243.1) suggests that Bach intended to perform the first version of his Magnificat also without the laudes, depending on circumstances, for example on other feasts than Christmas. 161. [76], Laudes A and B (transposed to fit in a D major composition) were combined with a movement of a cantate by Graun (probably Carl Heinrich Graun) to form a Christmas motet, Kündlich groß ist das gottselige Geheimnis, BWV Anh. The continuo is plucked in "the emptiest sound", even on the last note,[26] on which the recorders are silent. Kuhnau's Magnificat, on the other hand, has a format much like Bach's: … [26] In the third Gloria, leading to Filio (to the Son),[25] in a similar pattern soprano I begins, followed by alto, soprano II, tenor and bass. [45] In 1982 Melchior Hoffmann was identified as the composer of this German Magnificat Meine Seel erhebt den Herren. It is set for four parts in E-flat major and alla-breve as an a cappella motet, with the soprano singing the melody in long notes, the lower voices in imitation of the motifs. Extending a standard SATB choir with more voice parts was however no novelty for Magnificat compositions: for example Johann Pachelbel, the teacher of Johann Sebastian's eldest brother, had composed half a dozen Magnificats for SSATB choir, and one for soli, SSATB double choir and orchestra. The text of this movement is "Freut euch und jubilirt, Zu Bethlehem gefunden wird Das herzeliebe Jesulein, Das soll euer Freud und Wonne sein" (Rejoice with pious mind, To Bethlehem go now and find The fair and holy new-born Boy, Who is your comfort peace, and joy), a verse by Sethus Calvisius. [1], Likely for the feast of Visitation of 1733, or another feast in or around that year, Bach produced a new version of his Latin Magnificat, without the Christmas hymns: instrumentation of some movements was altered or expanded, and the key changed from E-flat major to D major, for performance reasons of the trumpet parts. 76 - Little Magnificat in A minor [LP] J.S. [72], The work is concluded by the doxology, Gloria Patri (Glory to the father), performed by the complete ensemble. A. Dürr", "Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Magnificat / BR-CPEB E 4 (Wq 215), 1749", "Bach Cantata Translations / BWV 243a – "Magnificat" (E-flat Major)", "Magnificat in E flat major BWV 243a / Recordings", "Magnificat BWV 243a / Conducted by Thomas Hengelbrock", "Johann Sebastian und Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Magnificat-Vertonungen", "One Verse, Two Settings, and Three Strange Youths", "J. S. Bach: Leipzig Christmas cantatas; Magnificat/Herreweghe", "From konzertmeister to thomaskantor: Bach's cantata production 1713–1723", "Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot BWV 39; BC A 96 / Cantata", "Bach: Magnificat - Buxtehude: Magnificat anima mea. [39][72] The voices imitate each other, in gentle movement. [21] Similar to the first two Leipzig cantatas, BWV 75 and BWV 76, it is a complex structure of rather short movements. 3, 4) → two movements in the same major key (5, B), Verse in minor key (mvt. [108], Before the end of the century CD recordings of the D major version of Bach's Magnificat by Sigiswald Kuijken, Robert Shaw, Andrew Parrott, Philippe Herreweghe, Neville Marriner, Peter Schreier, Harry Christophers, Ton Koopman, and by the Bach Collegium Japan had been released. 2: Aria [Soprano II] Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo: Et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo and my spirit has exulted in God my saviour. two violins, two oboes, three trumpets (in E-flat), timpani (E-flat and B-flat), bassoon, viola and basso continuo. Ebenfalls aus Rücksicht auf die Künstler bitten wir Sie, … The following table shows the title, voices and instruments, time, key and text sources for the twelve movements for Visitation and the inserted movements for Christmas. The Magnificat was sung at vesper services on feast days, and, as suggested by recent research, Bach's setting may have been written for a performance on 2 July, celebrating the Marian feast of the Visitation. Kuhnau's Magnificat has standard SATB soloists, but like Bach's, a SSATB choir. [11] Novello published an edition in 2000, edited by Neil Jenkins. [12] Bärenreiter published a critical edition based on Dürr's 1955 edition again in 2014/15.[38]. [8] An early account of Bach showing interest in liturgical practices in Leipzig dates from 1714, when he noted down the order of the service on the first Sunday in Advent during a visit to the town. In two consecutive solo movements, the second one is often in richer scoring. The traditional setting of Luther's German translation of the Magnificat ("Meine Seele erhebt den Herren") is a German variant of the tonus peregrinus, a rather exceptional psalm tone in Gregorian chant. [27], Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est (For the Mighty One has done great things for me)[25] is an aria sung by the bass, accompanied only by the continuo. Only the first 30 measures of this movement are extant. The basso continuo is not listed, playing almost throughout. [72] The movements ends with a more homophonic section in which the bass has the theme once more, while soprano I sings long suspended notes in a descending scale covering almost an octave. Johann Sebastian Bachs Magnificat BWV 243 entstand in seiner ersten Form in Es ganz zu Beginn von Bachs Leipziger Amtszeit zu Mariae Heimsuchung am 2.7.1723; für eine Wiederaufführung am 1.Weihnachtstag fügte Bach einer Leipziger Tradition folgend vier weihnachtliche Einlagesätze hinzu. The text remains Magnificat for most of the movement. The countersubject has leaps down and up an octave in the second measure, the flowing eighth notes in the third measure. [44] Gönnenwein's D major recording with Christmas interpolations appeared on a CD titled J. S. Bach: Cantatas 142, 65 & Magnificat. The answer: Bach's Magnificat, a joyful and moving 30-minute work scored for a celebratory crowd of five soloists, a chorus, and an orchestra with trumpets and timpani. Note that the timpani are no wind instruments but always go with the trumpets. Magnificat anima mea Dominum ("My spirit gives great praise to the Lord", Luke 1:46) is the text used for the opening chorus. He writes that the "new Thomaskantor was obviously intending to impress his new employer and the congregation", which makes even more sense at the beginning of Bach's tenure. This particular split of the third verse, leaving only the last two words (omnes generationes) to the chorus, had been practised before by Ruggiero Fedeli, and in a Magnificat in G minor from 1720 which Bach probably knew (that Magnificat in G minor used to be attributed to Tomaso Albinoni). Another German libretto paraphrasing the Magnificat, published by Picander in his 1728–29 cantata cycle for performance on 2 July 1728, may have been set by Bach. It is written in "chordal fashion", a style found in Giacomo Carissimi, Johann Schelle (also a Thomaskantor) and Kuhnau, among others. Discover releases, reviews, track listings, recommendations, and more about Johann Sebastian Bach, Maria Stader ∙ Hertha Töpper, Ernst Haefliger ∙ Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Münchener Bach-Chor ∙ Münchener Bach-Orchester, Karl Richter - Magnificat Für Soli, Chor Und Orchester In D-Dur, BWV 243 at Discogs. [110] In 2009 Philippe Pierlot performed the D major version of the Magnificat with the Ricercar Consort, with five vocal soloists without choir. Kuhnau's has five choral movements, like Bach's, but his second is verse 4 (instead of 3b for Bach), and his last is only verse 12, where for Bach that final chorus sets both verse 11 and 12. Chor: „Gloria patri” 5. Arie (Sopran): „Et exsultavit” 3. Omnes generationes (Chorus) von The Sixteen. Parts 3 & 4: Soprano Aria & Chorus (03:54) Soprano Heidi Riess performs "Quia respexit humilitatem." For mixed choir (SSATBB) with soprano voice solo; organ ad lib.. [18], Suscepit Israel puerum suum (He has helped His servant Israel)[25] is scored for an unusual combination of the three highest voices, violins and violas in unison and trumpet. Glory is given three times. Et Misericordia - Tenor solo 10. The first three choral movements are, in the version without the Christmas hymns, followed by two movements for a vocal soloist, the second one often with richer scoring. By verse, this is what the harmonic structure looks like:[69][70], Regarding voices and orchestration the four Magnificat verses between the first and the seventh movement, and those between the seventh and the last, have a less symmetrical build-up: here the idea is rather that after a tutti movement there are two or three arias building up to the next choral movement:[69], The last aria in each of these sets of arias is first a solo, then a duet, then a terzet (trio). [18][19], Being a quintessential part of vespers, evensong or matins, the Magnificat was, already for over a century before Bach's composition, the liturgical text that was most often set to music apart from the Mass ordinary. Around the time when the D major version of the Magnificat originated, he composed for the same extended chorus in his Mass for the Dresden court. In the second development, soprano I begins, followed by alto, tenor and bass. He did the same in his funeral motet Jesu, meine Freude. Suscepit Israel - Alto solo This is the balanced recording of Deposuit from Magnificat by J S Bach. 2 (1981); Meine Seele erhebet den Herrn (deutsches Magnificat) für zwei Altstimmen und Basso continuo op. [13] The tonus peregrinus (or ninth tone) is associated with the ninth mode or Aeolian mode. A ritornello is repeated throughout the movement,[21] with a downward leap of a sixth and a downward scale of an octave which appears in the voice on the word "sanctum" (holy), in et sanctum nomen eius (and holy is His name). The four Christmas interpolations are placed after the second, the fifth, the seventh and the ninth movement on the Magnificat text. 21; however, its authenticity was doubted. Shop and Buy Magnificat sheet music. [111][112] In 2003 Ton Koopman recorded the Christmas version of Bach's Magnificat with Amsterdam Baroque in the St. Thomas church in Leipzig. In that publication the hymns were however not transposed to fit in the D major setting of the Magnificat. The chorus also sings in movement 4 (Omnes generationes), accompanied by an orchestra without trumpets and timpani, and in movement 11 (Sicut locutus est), there only accompanied by the continuo. After publication of both versions in the 19th century, the second became the standard for performance. Ed. Kuhnau's Magnificat, his largest extant vocal work, has a similar orchestration as the first version of Bach's Magnificat (differences: Kuhnau's has a second viola, Bach's has two recorders in one movement), and it has the same "expandability" with settings of the same laudes for a Christmas performance. [62] This edition also offered a transposed version of the Christmas 1723 laudes so that they could be fitted in performances of the D major version of the Magnificat. 2 Violini. [36][37][38] That would have been exactly ten years before the transposed version, and composed for the same Marian feast. Johann Sebastian Bach ... Das Magnificat in Es ist als Urfassung des bekannteren Magnificat in D eine willkommene Bereicherung des Konzertprogramms zu allen Gelegenheiten, durch die vier originalen Einlagesätze insbesondere für die Weihnachtszeit. Schott Chorverlag (Cho… Bach composed particularly demanding and difficult works in his first year in Leipzig in 1723. Each verse of the canticle is assigned to one movement, except verse 48 (the third verse of the Magnificat) which begins with a soprano solo in the third movement and is concluded by the chorus in the fourth movement. Vieles, was Bachs Klasse ausmacht, ist hier vorhanden. Deposuit - Tenor solo 3. [72], Et misericordia (And mercy), a duet for alto and tenor, begins with an undulating movement in 12/8 time, played by violins and violas. [26] The movement is a fugue which follows the stretto principle from the start and throughout. About 'Et Exultavit from Magnificat BWV 243' Artist: Bach, Johann Sebastian (sheet music) Born: 21 March 1685 , Eisenach Died: 28 July 1750 , Leipzig The Artist: One of the greatest composers of all time. Lutheran theologians thus rejected the Vulgate version (they would have the verse end on "... bonae voluntes" in Latin), while composers were attached to the classic formula for its melodious rhythm. Bach – Magnificat in D ... And in the two works the solo parts transport us as fully as does the direction, with Dorothee Mields (soprano), Johannete Zomer (soprano), William towers (alto), Charles Daniels (tenor), Stephan MacLoed (bass). These include the Magnificat, first written in E flat major and reworked about eight years later into the present D major version.This work requires an experienced chorus, as the parts are almost instrumentally conceived and rich in coloratura writing. When in 1822 young Felix Mendelssohn composed a Magnificat in D major he showed that he knew Bach's version. [83], The score of the E-flat major version of Bach's Magnificat was first published by Simrock in 1811, edited by Georg Pölchau, however with printing errors,[84] and without the Christmas hymns. 76 - Little Magnificat in A minor [LP] J.S. Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 ; Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott : cantata for Reformation Festival, BWV 80 Catalog Record Only Previously issued as Archiv Produktion: 198 197 (side 2 only) and 198 407 (side 1 only). Begins with a downward quart on each syllable ( Suscepit Israel ) of his Latin Magnificat of instruments additional! ] Some commentators see an atmosphere close to aggression, [ 75 others. Mundi in 2003 ninth tone ) is a fugue which follows the stretto principle from the key. Exists in two consecutive solo movements, is introduced by four measures of choral follow! 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