Societal information Young Falleen nobles often toured the galaxy for a while to acquire a taste of life away from Falleen. Atmosphere Mid Rim[1][2] On his new quest to restore Mandalore, Din needs to make a deal with another wretched soul whom fate stepped in to rescue. In the years following the Battle of Naboo, Falleen experienced a boom in the construction of factories and manufacturing facilities, as corporations found it was less costly to maintain such facilities on remote planets. Climate The sleek symmetry of their features, calculating and cold demeanor, their exotic looks, and their ability to alter their skin means that the Falleen are often considered to be among the most aesthetically pleasing beings in the galaxy. 1 History 2 Appearances 3 Sources 4 Notes and references Falleen joined the Galactic Republic prior to 3996 BBYsource?. Yuuzhan VongChazrach They tended to shun public displays of emotion, and were very patient. Green[2]Red Falleen was a planet3 located in the galaxy's Mid Rim1 that was the homeworld of the repto-mammalian Falleen species.2 Falleen aligned itself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the build up to the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic. It had jungles, vast plains, and icy mountains. They were capable of projecting powerful pheromones. Falleen joined the Galactic Republic prior to 3996 BBY[source?]. An exotic reptilian people, they are favored for their chiseled physiques and entrancing features. Primary language(s) Falleen were a sentient species native to the planet of the same name. Homeworld A few of the Falleen joined the Rebellion when Darth Vader razed a city and slaughtered some 200,000 individuals to contain a failed biological experiment on the Falleen homeworld including Prince Xizor's father, King Haxim. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. The upper echelons of Falleen monarchies were rife with politics and intrigue, but they rarely spilled blood over blatant disputes or open warfare. The superior smile returned, and he sank back into his chair and drank some more wine, "Don't be sorry, Princess. 1 Overview 2 Accomplishments 3 Combine Skills 4 See also Falleen are reptilian humanoids that occupy the Falleen star system. In Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight, Falleen is misspelled 'Fallen'. 372.7 local days[source?] Population Falleen Falleen – Star Wars Fanon – The Star Wars wiki of fan invention. The sleek symmetry of their features, calculating and cold demeanors, their exotic looks, and their ability to alter their skin pigmentation meant that the Falleen were often considered to be among the most … It is not the Falleen way to mourn the dead. System Region They are a handsome species exotic in appearance with scaled, gray-green skin and a spiny, sharp ridge that extends down the center of their back. Learn about the Falleen species, made famous by Prince Xizor in Shadows of the Empire, and made canon by episodes of The Clone Wars! P-15[2] Falleen Language: English Words: Sie verfügen über einen wechselwarmen Stoffwechsel (im Volksmund auch als "kaltblütig" bekannt) und die Körper sind mit grau-grünen Schuppen bedeckt. The Falleen decided against joining the New Republic after the fall of the Galactic Empire. Decades later, Falleen, which never joined the New Republic, fell to the Yuuzhan Vong, shortly after the destruction of the Fondor shipyards and Hosk Station. Falleen exuded powerful pheromoneswhich they used to attract mates. Surprisingly, a few Falleen went to join the Rebellion after Darth Vader razed a city and slaught… Astrographical information Falleen Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Scum and Villainy Of all the Species to populate the galaxy, none are better known for their intoxicating appearance than the Falleen. Oxygen mix, Type I (breathable) 1.4 - 1.6 meters[1] Die Falleen sind, ähnlich wie die Trandoshaner, eine Reptilien-Spezies mit humanoider Gestalt. The typical ridges on a Falleen's back]] The Falleen's ridge is indicatave of their reptilian nature, as is their ability to change skin color. And before he would get the name he really desired, he would get another. An alien race from the Star Wars Universe, Falleen can change their skin pigment and emit pheromones that make them irresistible to many other races. Xizor altering his skin pigmentation from green to red. Falleen Falleen were a spacefaring race in the Galaxy. Reckz, Rozix,Darth Ysipand Mezine Hinett were all Falleens. 7,026 km[source?] During the Clone Wars, the planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by Zurros, who served as a double agent for Count Dooku until Falleen openly joined the Confederacy, though it took a land invasion and coercion of the Falleen King to complete it. She was known to have arranged the marriage of an escort working for her with a Falleen Prince.[4]. 23.0 standard hours[source?] Sector When a highly-destructive flesh-eating bacterium got loose in 7 BBY, Vader ordered his ships in orbit to raze the laboratory and the city surrounding it in order to save the rest of the planet. They were distinguished by their mottled green skin, ridged skulls, and their long, black hair which they typically wore in ponytails. See more ideas about star wars, star wars species, star wars rpg. Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Indeed, the Falleen as a species had a towering sense of superiority which they felt was only right and proper due to their discipline and rigid self-control. Falleen Team » Falleen appears in 38 issues . It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Sw Falleen Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. Up to 250 standard years; up to 400 years in rare cases[3] Skin color Different artists have depicted Falleen with either four- or five-fingered hands. Physical characteristics The Falleen are a race of human-like reptilian people who come from a world called Falleen in the Midrim region of the galaxy. Affiliation 4%[source?] Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Diameter Wie bei Reptilien üblic… During the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, the planet fell to the alien invaders. Falleen Species Biology, Society, and History, Small scales, naturally exude pheromones at will. The Falleen are humanoid but with a distinct alien look, featuring green skin, ridged skulls, and long pony tails. The Falleen Federation is a powerful government in the Star Wars Combine, and was founded by Lord Tholin Dur'aak. It is the Falleen way to avenge. Native species Female Falleen look slightly different from their male counterparts, in that the spinal ridge is smaller, their skin is lighter, and the ability to change color is somewhat more limited. Falleen Designation Sentient Classification Humanoid Reptilian Homeworld Falleen Language Galactic basic Height of average adult 1.7 to 2.4 meters Skin color Green Blue Variable Hair color Black Eye color Dark Average lifespan 250 standard years The Falleen were the indigenous reptilian sentient species of the planet Falleen. [Source]. C. 29 BBY, the Falleen Miss Mylla, a courtesan and manager of the entertainment house Miss Mylla's Saloon in Lamaredd, was rumored to be the concubine of a member of the Falleen Royal family, an heir to the crown fallen into disfavor or a holo actress hiding from a jealous wife. The skin pigmentation of the Falleen changed naturally to reflect the mood of the individual; however, the Falleen long ago mastered the ability to change their skin tone at will and used this as something of a covert weapon in their politics, fostering an appearance of calm, for example, when they were really panicking. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, SWJ:FO for short, was revealed at E3 2018 and follows the story of Padawan Cal Kestis as he works to finish his training to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight. Primary terrain Feudal Monarchy Though the Falleen joined the Galactic Republic close to four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, they later sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Xizor altering his skin pigmentation from green to red. The females like to wear it long and adorn it with combs and beads. The Falleen Federation has expanded as Doldur, Druess, Lambda, Chommel, Vilonis, Narvath, Sujimis, Tynna and Artesia sectors fall under the Falleen Federation protection. They are a handsome species exotic in appearance with scaled, gray-green skin and a spiny, sharp ridge that extends down the center of their back. BRAWN 2 AGILITY 2 INTELLECT 2 CUNNING 2 WILLPOWER 2 PRESENCE 2 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience: 100 XP Special Ability: Falleen begin the game with one free rank in Charm or Coercion. The Falleen are a race of humanoid reptilians who are often seen as the most aesthetically pleasing beings in the Star Wars universe. Alongside King Andrew Starfyre of Hapes and Dunkler Klerus of the New Anzat Order, the short lived Tri-Star alliance was founded. Though the Falleen joined the Galactic Republic close to four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, they later sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Falleen joined the Galactic Republic prior to 3996 BBY. Falleen 0.57 standard[source?] Distinctions Falleen (Star Wars) Summary. Though the Falleen joined the Galactic Republic close to four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, they later sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. The Falleen are an exotic, cold-blooded reptilian species known to be as long lived as Hutts, with life spans averaging 250 years. In the aftermath of the war, many Falleen were seen off world, especially on Coruscant. Falleen[1] Falleen. The Falleen were semi-aquatic, and were able to hold their breath underwater for a long period of time, leading exobiologists to believe that the Falleen's ancestors were completely aquatic. This arrogance made the Falleen something of an isolationist species, and though they were not a rare species, it was rare to find them away from their homeworld. Falleen was a planet in the Mid Rim region and home to the Falleen species. , Affiliations. The Falleen were the indigenous reptilian sentient species of the planet Falleen. It had jungles, vast plains, and icy mountains. Doldur sector[2] Government The royal family of Falleen consequently hired someone to verify the claims. Language A free online role-playing simulation game based on the Star Wars universe. However the plan was foiled by the Mynock crew and Rogue Squadron who destroyed the cruiser. Physical information The Falleen were a sentient species of reptillian humanoids who had a distinctive alien appearance. I'm not grief-stricken. Terrestrial [6][7] However, biological and chemical research for military purposes continued on the planet in other locations. Other than that Falleen look quite humanoid, but they lack ears and have ridges covering their heads and spines, though less so in the case of female Falleen. Class In addition to their strikingly beautiful appearance, the Falleen exuded pheromones which made them all but irresistible to both sexes,[1] as evidenced when Quinlan Vos fell under the influence of a male Falleen's pheromones. Falleen are reptilian humanoids that occupy the Falleen star system. Vader wiped out the bacterium, along with an entire city and over two hundred thousand Falleen, including the royal House Sizhran. It had jungles, vast plains, and icy mountains. With the conclusion to that conflict, the Falleen played little part in galactic politics, deciding against joining the New Republic after the fall of the Galactic Empire. Sep 16, 2014 - Explore Ahsoka Tano's board "falleen", followed by 130 people on Pinterest. They were one of the few species resistant to mind tricks, and had green blood. Humid In 138 ABY the One Sith sent the Darklight, an Imperious-class Star Destroyer to bombard the planet into submission. Major cities As a cold-blooded species, the Falleen respected discipline and control, particularly self-control. In addition, the Falleen displayed prominent facial and spinal ridges, though females tended to have slighter, more subtle growths. The Falleen, though, are nothing if not determined, and they thrive during adversity. The Falleen were an exotic, cold-blooded reptomammalian species known to be long lived, with life spans averaging 250 years. Surface water Orbital period Falleen[1] Falleen Name Generator - Star Wars is free online tool for generating Sw Falleen Names randomly. Immigrated species Galactic Republic[3]Confederacy of Independent Systems[3]Galactic EmpireYuuzhan Vong empire[3] RainforestsIcy mountainsPlainsIndustrial The Falleen were an exotic, cold-blooded reptilian species known to be long lived, with life spans averaging 250 years. Average height Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is an action/adventure game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts.It was released on November 15th, 2019 for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. Falleen was a planet in the Mid Rim region and home to the Falleen species. Appearances. Suns Average lifespan The Falleen system was a star system located in the Doldur sector of the Mid Rim. [Source]. After the war's end, the planet remained unaligned and isolated. Later, during the early years of the New Order, Darth Vader established a bacteriological research outpost on the planet. The invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, and the fall of the planet to the alien invaders, cut short these trips and isolated the Falleen even more. Falleen society was of a feudal nature, with noble houses ruling over the lower classes. Fall of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Falleen are reptilian humanoids that occupy the Falleen an. 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