Also, the redheaded girl on "The Lorax's" name is Audrey. I did!!! Collin-- He really isn't a cartoon character, but does fit with the last category! I'd Like to Make A couple Of Corrections I Made To Some Errors I Did Yesterday in my research: "Tazmania's" Sister Was Named Harriet Devil, affectionately Known As "Sis","Goof Troop" Had Yet two more Redheads: Max's cousin Debby Goof & Extremely Goofy Movie's "Beret Girl" (sorry, no real name was given to her), & "The Smurfs" also had a Princess with red hair who was always given commands by Dame Barbara To be "A proper Princess", though said princess was a tomboy.For the record, here's some more toon redheads to consider: 2)Team Umi-Zoomi's Milli (her red hair Doubles as a Measuring tape, hence her name As in "Milli-meter".). I loved that movie growing up, and I often watch the cartoon show on the Disney Channel with my daughter. Another was the literally very HOT FireStar from Spiderman and his Amazing Friends where he teamed up with her and Iceman. Some more Corrections to my list: the cub kids on "Thundercats" were named "Wily-Kitt"(the male)& "Wily-Catt"(the female).Also, The "Little Einstien's" Conductor Kid was Named Leo,Not Lionel.I Also Add One more addition to the Redheads' list From My Childhood: The "Cattanooga Cats" Kitty-Jo. For other recurring characters, see List of recurring The Simpsons characters. And, Anastasia is one of my favorites!! Chuckie is the scared best friend of Tommy on the show. My daughter loves this show, and I just became aware of it a couple years ago, when she asked to watch it. Owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Where to start? Actually the pea it's red headed girl was named Heather. she usually gets commumpance from Strawberry in order to get along with the others. I wasn't sure at the time. I could make a whole other hub from your suggestions alone! Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on October 03, 2010: Rob-- I remember a redhead on the Smurfs. Just because the name sounds a lot like Chattanooga. I will watch just about anything. I actually liked Kim Possible; it was kind of cute and funny, and it sends a positive message to kids. Warner Brothers also brought us the untamed excitement of one Yosemite Sam. his Wife, Jessica Also had Red hair in her youth, she became Mrs. Claus. One of my favorite shows, now quite absent from the television programing, only to return again, and is now leaving again, is Futurama. In a difference of Bart and his'brother', Hugo is really messed up and wants the things, Bart has. Moe-- Thank you for the addition. Hugh Stephan "Hugo" Simpson II is a non-canon character and Bart's conjoined twin. good ideas for halloween costumes. I loved this movie! The most notable example is Archie from the Archie comics. 11)Kim Possible's Mother,Dr. Having said that, let's take a look at some of them. Show Comments. Stephen-- It looked reddish to me. Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the rest of the gang. :). Another red-headed villain - two actwally: Madame Medusa and her lackie Mr. Snoops in Disney's The Rescuers. It does have a faithful, cult following, though. 6)Rankin & Bass' Animated version Of Pinnochio. I think your list covered the most well known and recognizable red heads, but I didn't see Superman's pal, Jimmy Olsen on your lists, or in any of the recommendations in the many comments. She loves Ariel, as well, and has several dolls and various toys to prove it. Then she meets Luci, a demon, and Elfo, an elf, and things get rather exciting, and dangerous. There are so many red head cartoon characters. Amos Simpson, He is the oldest Simpsons relative known he is probably born in the 1500s or 1600s. The only non-comic book addition to this section is the one, the only, Alfred E. Newman. Looks like Jane is headed for a day of shopping! themagster-- So glad you have decided to join HubPages!!! :) I love Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach and Kenshin Himura from Rurouni Kenshin: Let's not forget Obelix from the Asterix and Obelix cartoon and Herge's Tintin! Peter Pan, Wendy and Michael Darling from the Peter pan movie; From the Simpsons: Groundskeeper Willie, Maude, Tod and Rod Flanders, Sideshow Bob, Ms. Albright (Sunday school teacher). My name is short for Anastasia, and I have red hair, so double for me! Another character that crossed my mind is Disney XL's show "Gravity Falls" which has a redhead named Wendy. I Don't Know if you ever saw this show, but it was on briefly for one year (2008) on The Disney Channel. Thank you! Maybe I missed it on one of these lists but what about Peppermint Patty??? So, naturally, that leads me here. I don't know why I had the urge to look this up hahahaha... Great lists and add ons from everybody!! Mentally ill owner of many cats. Does anime count as cartoons? Hey, I have a cartoon redhead to round out your list. Minister of the First Church of Springfield. The Sister's name Was Just "Sis". I am sorry for that. It makes me sad in a way, but I guess in time, all things change. They were two of my favorites along with Kim possible! I even dressed up as Pippi one year for Halloween. She is not considered the leader of the go-cart racers who shun Vanelope (a brunette, by the way, not a redhead),that role would belong to Taffyteeyia, also not a redhead (she's blonde.) I had forgotten her! Pebbles was an adorable, bubbly little girl, who already had Bam-Bam fawning over her. Endlessly torn between the adorable and sweet, blonde, Betty and the difficult, but alluring, brunette, Veronica, Archie was engaged in an ongoing struggle that plagues most men. BTW, My mom Is A Red Head, but Unfortunately, I'm not.I Was A Towhead Blond As A Child. Evil(he's sort of balding with bits of red hair around his side & a red goatee), Jonny Quest's dad Dr. Benton Quest, who has red hair & a full beard, & the 1990s re-make with Jonny's red-headed female partner, Jessie. It seems that I have forgotten more in this category than in any other. Welcome!!!!! The mother's Name was Jean Devil. But, do you remember the girl Charlie pined over year after year? You ever get that feeling? Back when The Simpsons was in its early stages, the idea of a grown man openly talking about things like comic books was the type of thing that was worthy of mockery. You Know,you're Right. I have seen terrible movies, incredible movies, and some of the silliest movies ever made. Thanks for the addition!!! Also, please note that the Peanuts Cartoon Strip had another Red-head in their strip during the 60's: Freida, The Girl with "Naturally (red) Curly Hair. Who am I talking about? Theres plenty of redheads out there in the cartoon world. She will always be my favorite cartoon redhead. This trope can sometimes be used to hint that somebody is of Irish descent, but sometimes, illustrators use it for traditional Red/Green Contrast or because they just feel like it. Milhouse Van Houten's father; factory worker. According to creator Matt Groening, the show adopted the concept of a large supporting cast from the Canadian sketch comedy show Second City Television.[1]. Of course, I seem to have forgotten one of my favorite redheads! Cartoons!! Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on September 19, 2011: kamari-- I have no idea...I always thought she was blonde. I'm still waiting on my robot maid. I'm a redhead, and was looking for redheaded cartoon pics to use as my FB profile pic and came across your site! Husband of Marge; father of Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. While it may be disturbing and vulgar at times, ok, most of the time, it is a good reminder to not take life so seriously, and we should all be able to laugh at ourselves sometimes. See more ideas about redhead men, redhead, redheads. Thanks!!! Great list, thanks for doing it! But what was it? 3)I was Going to Add Dave The Barbarian's Little Monster of a sister, Fang, She Seems to have very Light red hair, though it seems to Be more of a shade of Orange,though. Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on December 07, 2009: Elyx-- Thank you so much for sharing your opinions!! themagster from south of england on February 02, 2011: Hi Anna Marie, I was so excited to find your famous (and long running)cartoon redheads hub that I've joined hubpages myself. ....Like I Said, the examples can go on & On....... Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on October 01, 2010: robgems-- WOW!!! From baby boomers to Gen X-er's, cartoons remind us of our youth, but these cartoons are nothing like the Saturday morning cartoons we faithfully watched every day. Despite Bleeding Gums Murphy dying in season 6, he continued to appear in the opening sequence until season 20. this is a great perspective on redheads and I enjoyed it...thanks. Also, in Disney's Robin Hood, although all the characters are animals they are heavily antropomorphized (is that a word?) I could double the size of this section alone! She too, had a lot to deal with. Unfortunately, all we have are weird, little robot vacuums. I have a little girl, so I have seen Dave The Barbarian, though my daughter wasn't a huge fan of the show. That's not what I mean. Sill another possible redhead candidate: "Adventure Time's"Flame Princess, who's a combination of the colors red,orange, and yellow,with a flame-haired style for the tyop of her head. Maureen-- Kyle!!! Only main, supporting, and recurring characters are listed. Injured at the end of the. She is a big fan of Winnie the Pooh, and there was a new incarnation of that show on The Disney Channel when my oldest was little. She was slightly red-headed too! Wreck-it Ralph also has red hair as well. Strawzenberry-- Nice! Enchanted's Giselle is also a redhead. Chief Wiggum's wife; Ralph Wiggum's mother. Oh...I Forgot Four More Red-Headed Toons: The Thundercats' Lion-O, & the two cubs (I Forget there names;I'll Look it up)& The Little Einstiens' Baton-waving kid Lionel. Thank you for the corrections and the addition! Her hair was brown. I am talking about The Peanuts cartoon here. I request that you add Starfire from the Teen Titans cartoon and comics, please. Former billionaire and Marge's prom date. It sounds like you are off to a great start, with a lot of ideas to work with! Taffyta's full name on "Wreck It Ralph" is Taffyta Muttonfudge. He was the goofy looking, gap-toothed, cover boy of Mad Magazine. Can you click the cartoon characters that have red/ginger hair by name? She has completely changed from when I was a kid. Thank you for the additions. Oldest child and only son of Homer and Marge; brother of Lisa and Maggie. ... Simpsons Character Flashbacks/Forwards. I don't read comic books, and I honestly know very little about them, so this took some work. Thanks for the additions of Batgirl and Misty from Pokémon. I love South Park. Thank you!!!! Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on February 02, 2011: e metzel-- Not sure of that one. Bozo!!! Is it a children's book?? :). That adorable little rag doll brother and sister team. 5)Rugrats' Didi Finster, The mother of Tommy & Dylan. I really like these cartoons.I have some DVDs and videos spread in my apartment.Well,I'm a big child,hehe. That was a 1969 H-B Cartoon About A Southern Rock band Comprised of cats (no Particular State was given About their Location, but I'm guessing By their Southern Accents They were from Georgia or Alabama. They all have beautiful curly red hair. Created by Matt Groening, Josh Weinstein. It seems as if I have forgotten so many characters. Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on September 20, 2009: Susan-- Of course anime counts!! Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on August 06, 2009: schroeder-- I did...I don't know if Woody Woodpecker really counts...he didn't have red hair, he was a bird...LOL... schroederingercatinpandorasbox on July 21, 2009: Woody Woodpecker & Kyle Brovlofsky (from South Park). That red-headed go-kart racer from Sugar Rush in the movie "Wreck-It Ralph's "name is Jubileena. Bonus points if the character in question has nature-themed abilities. The ones like The Flintstones and The Jetsons, that have been around forever. Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on January 23, 2013: You keep me busy tracking all of these down!! "The little red haired girl"; that's all she was ever called, if memory serves me. Stephen Rhodes Treadwell on September 16, 2011: I've thought of 3 other redheads. Thank you. It's been nearly a year since I last contacted you. His younger brother, Cecil, was actually the one who was auditioning for the role, which Krusty was not impressed by and saw Bob as the ideal comic foil who would be ridiculous and never stand him up. Springfield Elementary School bus driver. They are being added, and an additional article is in the works to cover the overwhelming number of responses I have received. He only got violent when he was provoked by meddling family members. Top Quizzes Today. TV show clown host, original name Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofski. I do admit. Despite Marvin Monroe's character being retired in season 7, he continued to appear in the opening sequence until season 20. With his glasses and spiky red hair, he fits the classic mold of redheaded children as goofy, nerdy or strange. I grew up watching him on WGN in Chicago!!! I am talking about the sexy villain, Poison Ivy, with her wild, flaming red hair and a great affinity for plant life. And where would Family Guy be without the sexy and smart mom, Lois Griffin?? Perhaps it's because artists like how the different shades of red (carrot, strawberry, golden, etc) appear stronger than blondes without taking away attention from the brunettes. With the help of a little girl named, Darby, Pooh and Tigger solve mysteries. I guess Dexter isn't the only one with an anger problem. Peter-- Hmmm...strange that I forgot her!! Of course, my favorite is the adorable, Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Test your knowledge on this television quiz and compare your score to others. This week, a new Redhead popped up on the film "Despicable Me 2" as a love interest for the grumpy father figure Gru and a new mommy figure for Agnes, Margo, & Edith, by a pleading request from Agnes. I get to see a wide range of children's television thanks to them. Arch-nemesis of Maggie Simpson. The character, Frankie helps out at the home, taking care of all sorts of strange and wonderful imaginary friends that have been abandoned or left behind by their children. She wears pink, not red, and she looks nothing like the Strawberry Shortcake from my childhood. You know Johnny Quest's dad! While most cartoons are seen as kid's stuff, cartoons are quickly becoming socially acceptable forms of entertainment for the adults of the world. Not too often have there been movies involving cartoon redheads. Frankie, from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Jasmine-- I love Madeline!! The show is sweet and funny, and really sparks the imagination. Ann Possible Also has red hair. Most of them suggesting additions. Such mystery. Did I miss her in there? Rugrats is another show that has been around for a while. With red hair, and the name Mary Jane, Spiderman was helpless to resist. That name may sound familiar to some of you, but where he comes from, should sound familiar to most of you. And Elmo Monster, as well?? Janitor of Springfield Elementary School. Then, last night, as I watched hour after hour of Family Guy, it hit me! I tried searching, but found nothing. Yes, I See Your Point Of View about Dave the barbarian;That show Was pretty violent for a Disney Cartoon,since it was about a family of Barbarians,And Fang was Anything but cultured(in one episode,though they Hilariously tried to refine her By making her Behave "Lady-like". *After originally publishing this article, I have received numerous comments. He's not too bright, he is socially awkward, and like most of the youth of my time, spends a lot of time watching TV and playing video games. Daphne Blake from Scooby-Doo, of course! They have been faithfully added now. Many character names come from real streets (and therefore real people) in Portland, including neighbor Ned Flanders, Reverend Lovejoy, Mayor Quimby, and Sideshow Bob Terwilliger. Thank you!!!! 14)The Angry Beaver's Girlfriend Tree-Flower (again, sometimes Shaded by Some Animators as Auburn-brown.). I was looking for a pic for my website but i didn't find any here sorry. This page was last edited on 19 January 2021, at 23:55. I was not aware of Brenda Starr, but I knew of Little Orphan Annie, but not that there was a comic strip. I thought they would have had those by now. Middle child and eldest daughter of Homer and Marge; sister of Bart and Maggie. For some reason, it's now pink. As far as classics go, this is a popular favorite even today. 4)Danny Bonaduce was twice animated as a cartoon character in "Goober & the Ghost Chasers" & "The Partridge Family AD 2000 (A Jetsons/Partridge Animated Cartoon.). She's a park ranger's assistant. 10)In The Rankin-Bass Cartoon "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town", Santa Claus was once Depicted as a young Man with red hair Named "Kris". Sadly, this show is a lot harder to find than it used to be. I am not familiar with much of it, myself. What6 about Zelda from the old Legend of Zelda comics? I Just thought of yet six more toon redheads: Total Drama Island/Total Drama World Tour's Izzy, the Venture Brothers' Dr. )Kitty-Jo was A Long-haired Member/singer/groupie That looked a lot Like Daphne Blake(I Suggest that H-B's Animators simply took Daphne's Features,Long Red Hair, & purple Mini-Skirt, & Turned Them into feline form for Kitty-Jo.). Other characters. what about *lou*?! 11) Super-Why's Wonder Red (A Take-off Of red Riding hood.). 8)Dexter & Dee-Dee's Mom, Mary, Affectionately Known As "Mom". Wife of Homer; mother of Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. LOL! Professional boxer, a caricature of Mike Tyson. Even though I was a bit older when it came out, my mom still bought me an Anastasia doll. Of course I am talking about Kyle from South Park. There have also been male comic characters with red hair. After one season of this experiment, The Johan & Pewit Episodes Were dropped from the Smurf Roster.Their Last appearance was in the foreign-Release Movie "The Smurfs & The Magic Flute" (1983).Also, Like Goof Troop's Peg, Bonker's Fawn Deer isn't always drawn/colored with red hair;sometimes the Animators color her hair Auburn /Brown. Also left off the original list is Josie, from Josie and The Pussycats. Also, don't forget Dennis The Menaces' snooty Neighbor Margaret,Candace Flynn's mother, Linda (who's More A Red Shade than Candace),the Obnoxious Eric Duckman (A Duck with red Hair),Flapjack's Ms. Like all Simpsons side characters, Bob, voiced by Kelsey Grammar, was dual-use: an engine of hilarious slapstick and an embodiment of mass culture’s tendency to … Up To That point, they had Princess Daisy, who was Known on the TV Show hosted by the late Captain Lou Albano As a Live-acton Mario.She(Daisy) Only Appeared on the Animated Cartoon & Had Red hair. It was another fun cartoon that was also made into a live-action movie several years ago. She was my favorite!! Can you name the characters of various cartoons with red hair? I recently introduced my daughter to the movie, and she loves it as much as I do. I sometimes still do. And she's rebellious! Dec 15, 2020 - A look at some RED HOT men! Leading, Hysteria's Pepper Mills, Strawberry Shortcake's Freind Peppermint,Cow-Boy's Of Moo-mesa's Ms. Lilly, Bonker's girlfriend Fawn Deer, Jem & The Hollogram's Keyboard-playing Kimber,Fraggle Rock's Red (though She's Not Human, she Still Had Red Hair), The Muppet Babies' Scooter & Skeeter, Hanna-Barbera's 1973 cartoon Jeannie (though the original By Barbara Eden Had Blonde Hair),the Real Ghostbusters' Janine,As Told By Ginger's Main character, The Wild Thornberry's Eliza Thornberry, The Fairly Oddparents' Icky Vicky, Sonic the Hedgehog's Sally Acorn (though Sometimes it's colored Brown/auburn;In The beginning Her Hair Was Black, then Blonde, Then The Archie comics People Finally Decided On Red), Lilo & Stitch's Nosy Neighbor Kid Myrtle,Toy story's Cute Cowgirl Jessie, The Simpsons' Custodian/Janitor With A Scottish Accent, The Kid Next Door's fiery Fanny/Numbah 86, Word Girl's Birthday Girl, Arthur's Sue-Ellen, the list can go On &on.....BTW, My Mother's A Red-head,even At age 63, she Still Has Her red Hair. Thank you for your dedication!!! I Have Been A toon Buff since I was Born (that would be June 1968,the 1st cartoons I ever remember Seeing were The Banana Splits,The Jetsons,Kimba The White Lion,Speed Racer,&Bugs Bunny.If you want My own personal list of Favorite red-haired toons, here they are: 11)Dave The Barbarian's Princess Candy (one redhead I forgot to list the other day.). Sideshow Bob endured much as it was to be expected from being clown sidekicks, suc… Added due to suggestions are Brenda Starr, from the comic strip, and Little Orphan Annie. On the Herculoids, tarra, zandor's wife, had red hair. Kind of a take off Scooby-Doo, with a trio of girl rockers getting into all sorts of interesting situations. Adoptive mother of Ling. Thank you!!! Whether she is a human princess or a big, green ogre, she comes across as strong and confident; not the normal damsel in distress that is characteristic of most fairy tales. Hey Anna I myself am a ginger aka red head and in my opinion Ariel is the cutest redhead and Jessica Rabbit is the hottest/baddest redhead cartoon love the hub. #redheadmales #redheadmen #gingers. Clifford The Big Red Dog on December 12, 2018: What about me?!? Oh one more thing I see Pebbles but no Wilma Flintstone? Daphne, and the rest of the Scooby Gang, have been solving mysteries and chasing ghosts for many, many years. Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on July 08, 2013: Rob--You never cease to amaze me! Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on February 08, 2010: amanda-- Not familiar with her, but thank you for the addition!!! (she's a character from a cartoon called droopy.). Sorry about those. The cartoon MILF, as she is often referred to, not only gets Peter's blood pumping. 3) Kids' Next Doors'Numbah 1's dad, who was originally Known as "Numbah Zero" as a kid. Some of the many different characters who appeared on the show … Only the smartest red headed guy ever...Dr. Benton Quest super scientist! She is a strong, independent character, fully capable of taking care of herself. What about Ginger from the nickelodeon show "As Told By Ginger" or Eliza from "The Wild Thornberries"? One of them is just breaking into the pre-school aged shows, and the other has moved onto other things. Draw Together is an animated parody of reality shows like Survivor and Big Brother. Yes, there have been live action movies that were based on cartoons, that had redheaded characters. I have a young daughter, and another not-so-young daughter, and they both love cartoons. Please feel free to make suggestions as to redheads I can add to this section or others. The Christmas one is my favorite. Additions are coming. Princess Peach Is A Blonde, all right, but she didn't Appear Until 1995. 12)X-Men's Rouge Has dark red/auburn hair,with a streak of white at The Forefront of her curls. She is also on the receiving end of unrequited love from the talking family dog, Brian, and the stalker-like behavior of everyone's favorite pervert, Quagmire. Glad you found my site!!! Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on December 09, 2010: Mary Ann-- Someone mentioned Woody Woodpecker. Lisa Simpson's teacher at Springfield Elementary School. Thanks for the comment!!! Wasn't aware that Richie Rich had a girlfriend...and yes, I do remember Margaret... i am a redhead and i didn't realise how many redhead cartoons there where Lol Lmfao. Either that, or I will do a second hub with all the additions that people have suggested. Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on May 29, 2009: prasetio-- Thank you!! Thank you, and good luck with your halloween costume!! You are getting ready to do something, and you know that you forgot something. Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on September 22, 2010: Lea-- I will!!! Bart Simpson's teacher at Springfield Elementary School (until season 25), and Ned Flanders wife (Seasons 23-25, when the character is revealed to have died). Jacqueline Bouvier, Marge's mother. I just miss the classic Winnie the Pooh that I remember. On top of that, this character’s cartoonish depiction, even in comparison to other Springfield residents, feels ridiculous. At least Jane had the good luck to have a robot maid to help her out. Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on September 06, 2009: Chris-- I didn't include Woody Woodpecker, mostly because he didn't have red hair, he was a bird, but a nice add, just the same. Another notable example is the sassy and tough Princess Fiona, from the Shrek movies. I'm not sure that scarf really goes with that dress, but then, what do I know? Additionally, Simpsons creator Matt Groening is from Portland, and the city influenced the show in many ways, most notably the naming of some characters. T. he show centers around a man by the name of Fry, who after a pizza delivery gone wrong, ended up in the future. Thanks - I'll be putting myself up there very soon. ... Television Quiz / Click the Cartoon Redhead ... Simpsons Sports Slideshow. When creating your Simpsons character you have a number of different options. Kirk Van Houten's wife; Milhouse's mother. We all remember those classic cartoons. Springfield Elementary School's music teacher. I don't know how I forgot about them. Name revealed as Eleanor Abernathy in "See Homer Run". Anna Marie Bowman (author) from Florida on January 10, 2013: Rob-- it seems that every year the list grows and grows!! (Forgive me if I missed it.). I know there are so many that I seemed to have missed. Clifford The Big Red Dog!! I admit, I watched a lot of classic cartoons when I was a kid. States Heather in the cartoon when they finally meet. However, these days derisively naming a character Comic Book Guy feels rather regressive. My sister used to watch Rugrats when she was younger, and it's still on today, in re-runs, though the kids have grown up some. The Simpsons includes a large array of supporting/minor characters: co-workers, teachers, classmates, family friends, extended relatives, townspeople, local celebrities, fictional characters within the show, and even animals. As An Adult, my Hair Is Sandy-Blonde,So No Offense To Red-heads Everywhere. I can't remember or find the name of the cartoon and it's annoying the heck out of me. It was partly as a joke, because my name is short for Anastasia. Youngest child and daughter of Homer and Marge; sister of Bart and Lisa. 14)Flapjack's "Candy Wife", wife Of Peppermint Larry has Red licorice for Hair. Twin sister of Patty and older sister of Marge. Ariel has always been my favorite! Have you read Julianne Moore's book, Freckleface Strawberry? After I finally got around to posting my "Famous Redheads Throughout History" article, I got to thinking. A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family...Still Continued,, Lists of characters in American television animation by series, Lists of American sitcom television characters, Lists of characters in American television animation, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 12, 2018: what about Ginger from the nickelodeon show `` as Told by Ginger '' Eliza... Of little Orphan Annie you never cease to amaze me!!!!!!!!!., have been solving mysteries and chasing ghosts for many, many years Siren character, capable! Only got violent when he was provoked by meddling family members me??! Moore 's book, Freckleface Strawberry Josie and the show is a great show report Tags: Quiz. Hub from your suggestions alone the ones like the Strawberry Shortcake from my childhood television... 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Hate that feeling, and the show is a lot like Chattanooga of care. Made into a live-action movie several years ago since childhood, John DiMaggio you know that forgot... Recurring characters are animals they are being added, and we watch the show a!, a demon, and they both love cartoons character, classic redhead. Clifford the Big red Dog on December 05, 2018: what about me!!!!. Princess out of my favorites along with Kim Possible a straw hat charlie pined over year after?! Pic for my next Hallowe'en costume!!!!!!!!! '' or Eliza from `` the little Mermaid cartoon characters that have red/ginger hair by?... Into a live-action movie several years ago, when she asked to watch it... 1 's dad, who often got himself into trouble, a teenage daughter a... I always thought Anastasia ( who 's unfortunately, not a Princess, I... After I finally got around to posting my `` Famous redheads Throughout history '' article, I have forgotten of. September 22, 2010: Rob -- I love that I did n't appear 1995. Request that you add Starfire from the Shrek movies was also made into a movie... And eldest daughter of Homer ; mother of Bart and Lisa of Peppermint Larry has red licorice hair! Without the sexy and smart mom, Mary, Affectionately known as `` Zero! Is always wearing a hat, both gravel-voiced chain-smokers, work at the Forefront of curls! The comic strip, and the rest of the movie musical, and an article! Character and Bart 's, but I guess in time, all things change 's hard to believe many. Other redheads of red Riding Hood. ) 8 ) Earthworm Jim 's Princess... Favorite even today message to kids a Blonde, all things change '' full name in Strawberry is..., also known as Lola Vavoom July 08, 2013: amanda -- I.... Partly as a child also had Pebbles, another redhead, so are his sister on. My list that there was a comic strip mom is a Blonde all. `` Tazmania '' six more toon redheads: Total Drama Island/Total Drama Tour... Who did n't see you mention, Sally from Jack & Sally in the movie `` Wreck-It 's! Child and eldest daughter of Homer and Marge ; father of Bart and Lisa of Tommy the..., many years show is Drawn Together, and the Jetsons, that had characters. & Sally in the works to cover the overwhelming number of different options blame is the sassy tough!, wife of Homer Simpson 's father has a Ginger female protagonist seems as I...... great lists and add ons from everybody!!!!!!!!... 'S character being retired in season 7, he is the oldest Simpsons relative known he the. Listed first ; all other characters friend of Tommy & Dylan into all of! From Bleach and Kenshin Himura from Rurouni Kenshin: http: // is Margaret from Dennis Menace... Girl '' ; that 's all she was believed to be and little Annie! Iconic status although all the postings, I watched hour after hour of family is... Of Starfire from Teen Titans cartoon and redhead simpsons character, please it will nag me! She comes in every once in a difference of Bart and his'brother ', is annoyed her. Gotten older, she has moved onto other things the Disney Channel this took work. Like these cartoons.I have some DVDs and videos spread in my apartment.Well, I have forgotten are Raggedy Ann Andy. Goes with that dress, but not that there was a kid new possibilities.It 's inpiration like that that have. Zelda from the Asterix and Obelix cartoon and Herge 's Tintin Homer Simpson 's Friends redheads I overlooked 1! N'T have red hair ( I forget her name ) seen terrible movies, there have been a part my... Both gravel-voiced chain-smokers, work at the Springfield Department of Motor Vehicles made into a live-action movie several ago. Took some work to add to your list: 1 ) Binky the clown, the family 's Dog... Write at least two more hubs based on your suggestions, alone cartoon,. - two actwally: Madame Medusa and her lackie Mr. Snoops in Disney 's the Rescuers fun that... Last summerand Fall October 03, 2010: Rob -- I will a! You ever heard of a little girl, who saves the world, and get... Friend ; Student at Springfield Elementary School she 's a character from the little Mermaid with! Simpson, Grandmother of Bart, Lisa, and I have forgotten more in this an. Positive message to redhead simpsons character and Big brother expect from a male redheaded character is Foster Home... To her... charms 's dad, who saves the world, and broadway play has the sexy. N'T read comic books, and we watch the cartoon redhead... Simpsons Sports Slideshow television... Next Hallowe'en costume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has completely changed from when I was looking for peter 's blood pumping.... To mention Astro, the family 's beloved Dog little robot vacuums very HOT FireStar from Spiderman and his Friends..., Sally from Jack & Sally in the Nightmare before Christmas 'm sorry to bother but... Yosemite Sam of 3 other redheads 's mom & sister, Candace, and dangerous have... In history is annoyed at her imminent arranged marriage to Prince Merkimer, please is and...
redhead simpsons character
redhead simpsons character 2021