Its framework, once a weighty construction of chestnut, has been made of aluminium since 1989. b. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Reverso for Windows. For Chapman then, the hobby-horse represents a childish toy (see OED `hobby-horse'4) that Gertrude scornfully rejects when her mother suggests `we must do as we would be done to'. Dans cette première partie, passons en revue les différents centres d’intérêts dont vous aurez l’occasion de discuter. This is a place where you will find different and hard-to-find art stamps from around the world. A child's riding toy that consists of a long stick with an imitation horse's head on one end. Its reins are held by a man dressed in a red jacket, and it is closely followed by a boy (who occasionally prods it with a wooden hay-fork) and a blacksmith in an apron (who carries a bag containing a hammer). He could usually snap the horse's jaws loudly to frighten onlookers.[17]. [27], Several hobby-horse customs exist in the Languedoc area of southwest France, which is a stronghold for "totem" animals, with many towns and villages having their own particular creature; most appear at carnival time and/or their local patronal festivals, saint's days and other festivities. A long fabric skirt, painted with rows of multicoloured roundels, hangs down to the ground all round. They wave handkerchieves, as in the English morris dance but originally wielded sabres instead. They are made from a circular framework, tightly covered with shiny black material, carried on the shoulders of a dancer whose face is hidden by a grotesque mask attached to a tall, pointed hat. Martin's personal hobby-horse is the "Optimisation methods" seminar, which focuses on the correct ways of dealing with car park customers and their needs. hobby-horse - A fixation or obsession. It took part in a dramatised version of the Derby Ram folksong, which was performed in northern Derbyshire and around Sheffield during the Christmas season by teams of boys. The other creatures that take part are the àliga (eagle), bou (bull), cucafera (coco, a mythical monster), drac de Sant Roc (dragon of Saint Roch), lleó (lion), and víbria (a female wyvern with prominent breasts). Expression - Volume 1 - Richard Wollheim. The term is also connected to the draisine, a forerunner of the bicycle, invented by Baron Karl von Drais.In 1818, a London coach-maker named Denis Johnson began producing an improved … This custom has survived despite being banned in the 18th and 19th centuries by the Catholic Church and in the 20th by the Socialist government. [12] The custom as now performed in Richmond Market Place around midday on Christmas Eve involves the horse's "death and resurrection" (he crouches down and then rises up when a hunting horn is blown).[13]. C.248-1976) [8]. If by any chance you occupy your spare time studying 13th century Irish livestock, your hobby-horse might just be a Hobby horse. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A "Teaser" waving a padded club dances in front of each 'Oss, accompanied, as they dance through the narrow streets, by a lively band of melodeons, accordions and drums playing Padstow's traditional May Song. The hobby horse has always been a do-it-yourself project. Ah, here we go again. A painting from c.1620, now in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, shows Morris dancers by the Thames at Richmond; their party includes a hobby horse.[9]. In Newfoundland, hobby horses of the "mast" type were sometimes used by the mummers or 'janneys' who went mummering around the Christmas season; they also took a Christmas bull, made in a similar manner, on their house-to-house visits. by Nick Kiley So, what is a hobby-horse, and are you indeed riding one? Also known as the "Doudou", the Ducasse de Mons is a festival that takes place on Trinity Sunday in the town of Mons and consists of two parts. [32], There have been smaller, junior Poulains in Pézenas, made by or for children; the Pézenas fadas also have a full-sized version of their own. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More. have facial disguise. Among them is a larger-than-life Mulassa (mule) carried by two dancers who are hidden under its skirts, apart from their legs. English mummers, morris dance teams and minstrel groups began performing with characters (often children) dressed in wickerwork and cloth costumes, made to look like stylised horses - not altogether unlike the present-day pantomime horses. There are many festivals in the Catalonia region of north-east Spain which involve processions with giants and outsize animals; some also involve hobby horses (of the "tourney" type, but with a more-or-less realistic head and body, nowadays often constructed from fibreglass). [Rel.] hobby horse n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. → de 1988 à 2003, Ariane 4 a été le cheval de bataille de l'Europe spatiale. Alford, Violet, "Some Other Hobby Horses", Waldweihnachten: Strohnickelgestalten (in German), Waldweihnachten: Bockgestalten (in German), Waldweihnachten: Eselgestalten (in German), Waldweihnachten: Schimmelreiter (in German), "Official Santa Tecla website (in Catalan)", Squarey, Melissa, "Hobby Horse Workshops" in,, Articles with dead external links from April 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 January 2021, at 21:21. Occupation, idée favorite, sujet de conversation préféré ; marotte, hobby. A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse. Hobbyhorse definition: a toy consisting of a stick with a figure of a horse's head at one end | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Mon grand-père jouait au cheval de bataille quand il était jeune. Each horse is made of a boat-shaped wooden frame, pointed and built up at each end, which is carried on the dancer's shoulders. 3. a. Cawte dismissed this suggestion: "if so it is a most unusual one, there is no sign of the combatants, the pair of horses is of an unusual design, and the mast horse seems to be the centre of attention. Horse feathers. Political identity is increasingly important to Americans. At Minehead in Somerset there are three rival hobby horses, the Original Sailor's Horse, the Traditional Sailor's Horse and the Town Horse. About product and suppliers: 1,619 plastic hobbyhorse products are offered for sale by suppliers on A wide variety of plastic hobbyhorse options are available to you, There are 30 suppliers who sells plastic hobbyhorse on, mainly located in Asia. 1816 Scott Antiquary I. xi. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. The finale to the Shrovetide processions in the town of Hlinsko, in the Czech Republic, and six nearby villages (including Hamry, Blatno, Studnice and Vortová), in the Hlinecko region of eastern Bohemia, is a ritual called "Killing the Mare. horse (hŏb′ē-hôrs′) n. 1. a. [24] The "rider" wears elaborate costume of red or black including a koha, a tall, beribboned hat, which always has a mirror on the front. There is a doctor and a nurse, in white coats with a red cross on the back. Illustration about Vector set bundle of six different color flat cartoon riding hobby horse toy isolated on white background. All Free. On the opposite side there is a small tail of horsehair. He is frequently shot at by the soldiers, falls from his mount, and is revived by the hobby horse and the fool, and returned to his mount. Horse-sense. [31], Originally the Poulain had no riders; Estieinou and Estieinette (sometimes spelled Estiénon and Estiéneta in the French manner) are meant to recall another royal occasion when Louis XIII visited the town in 1622; the Maréchal de Bassompierre, following the King, was crossing the river Peyne on horseback. dada n.m. Larger figures of mules are also found in several places, carried by two performers whose legs are visible beneath a skirt hanging from the animal's hollow body. Some modern revival sides have extended their animal repertoire in various imaginative and appropriate ways, e.g. The first things that were referred to as hobbies were in fact horses, of a breed that was popular in Ireland in the Middle Ages and is now extinct. A custom which took place at, or in the lead-up to, Christmas in eastern Kent, involving a group of ploughmen or other farmworkers leading a Hooden Horse (a horse's head made of wood, set on a short pole, with snapping jaws (sometimes set with nails for teeth) operated by a person hidden under a piece of sacking or a stable-blanket to represent the animal's body). par l'emploi du verbe to prefer ; Ex. [18] (The picture appears to have been taken in winter, as the climbing plants on the wall are leafless.) Cette nouvelle série d'objectifs est devenue un cheval de bataille professionnel. hobby horse. [49] A number of animals, real and mythical, are impersonated in the parades that form a major part of the festivities. A favorite hobby. c. L'expression de la préférence On peut exprimer la préférence de deux façons :? In Malaysia and Singapore, kuda lumping performances are often given at weddings by Malayan men of Javanese origin in Johor (Malaysia) and Singapore. Formerly hobby-horse n. (sense Compounds 1). [50] The gamelan percussion orchestra is made up of 2 drums, a hanging gong, two knobbed gongs on a wooden frame, and 5 tubular bamboo chimes called angklung. La musique I am musical. The Poulain was burned in 1789, during the French Revolution, because of its royal associations, but was revived in 1803. Laare Vane, above) of the tourney type, and this has survived into the present century, at Dunquin in County Kerry for example. Every January is National Hobby Month, and what better time than the start of a new year to kick off a new hobby?! Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Details differ slightly from place to place, but there are usually two or three hobby-horses (of the tourney type). Key Vocabulary: portrait TEKS: (4.2) - Creative Expression/Performance.The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using a variety of media with appropriate skills. It has a hollow body, covered by a long white sheet that almost reaches the ground, with a long neck and head apparently made of cardboard or papier-mâché; it is carried by two people who are hidden beneath the sheet. 182 were donated in November This month, we are on track to donate 187. home recent additions webmaster page banners feed a child. b. vii." In Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire and some other parts of the East Midlands of England, mummers' plays were performed, on or around Plough Monday in early January, by teams known variously as Plough Stots, Plough Jags, Plough Jacks, Plough Bullocks or Plough Witches. Autres traductions. [10], In parts of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and around Sheffield there existed, into the early 20th century (and until 1970 at Dore[11]) a Christmas and New Year custom of going from house to house performing a short play or dramatised song called The Old Horse, T'Owd 'Oss or Poor Old Horse. cheval de bataille nm nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". (fig) (=cause, combat) hobby-horse. The breed provided foundation bloodlines for several modern horse breeds, including breeds as diverse as the Connemara pony and the Irish Draught. The custom has been revived in recent years. Horse-sense. [28], At Pézenas there is a huge creature called Le Poulain or Lo Polin (Occitan for "the colt"), carried by nine men and led by another, accompanied by a band of musicians. I like swimming, skiing, riding a horse. When the Laare Vane (white mare) caught a girl she would take his place under the sheet to carry the horse back into the house, sitting away from the others while a kind of sword-dance was performed with sticks by six male dancers to the tune "Mylecharane's March" played on the fiddle. The recent (January 2010) cold weather in the United Kingdom has brought the population here into virtually continuous earshot of the inexact expression 'freezing temperatures'. Accompanied by a brass band, men and boys wearing colourful costumes representing traditional characters spend a whole day going from door to door, visiting every household in their community (except those known to be in mourning). The Padstow horses have circular frames, with fairly small, snapping-jawed heads on long, straight necks;[3] the Minehead horses are more boat-shaped, with pointed ends and, since about 1880, have had no heads, though they have long, trailing tails, about 2.2 m (7 ft) long.[4]. A long tail is attached to the back of the frame. It is particularly associated with Florensac, where it is called le chevalet, and is considered the town's totem. [44], The teams of Irish mummers known as Wrenboys who perform on Saint Stephen's Day (26 December) in pubs and private houses have been known to include a white hobby horse (Láir Bhán – c.f. A "hobby horse" is a wooden or wickerwork toy made to be ridden just like a real horse (which was sometimes called a "Hobby").From this came the expression "to ride one's hobby-horse", meaning "to follow a favourite pastime", and in turn, "hobby" in the modern sense of recreation. —, Meditations on a Hobby Horse, 4th ed., Phaidon, 1985. hobby horse n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Comines uses, Hist. There is a very lively Poulain at Saint-Thibéry and others are (or have been) known at Adissan, Alignan-du-Vent, Florensac, Montblanc and Vias (where it is linked to a local legend of a medieval famine and is known as lo Pouli de la Fabo – the colt of the bean). Another familiar form of the same Christian name, Dobbin has also become a generic name for a cart-horse. There are two rival horses and their fiercely loyal bands of supporters at Padstow: the Old 'Oss is decorated with white and red, and its supporters wear red scarves to show their allegiance; the Blue Ribbon 'Oss (or "Peace 'Oss") is decorated with white and blue and its supporters follow suit [3]. The Fasnacht (carnival) procession in Sankt Lorenzen im Lesachtal, south-west Austria, features a large band of musicians, some in fancy dress, and is led by a large, rather frisky hobby horse. If not, here is one example and here is another. Consultez la traduction anglais-espagnol de hobby-horse dans le dictionnaire PONS qui inclut un entraîneur de vocabulaire, les tableaux de conjugaison et les prononciations. A May-Day procession including a Teaser, a Fool, and a Hobby Horse that tries to capture women under its skirts features in the climactic scenes of the 1973 British cult-horror flick The Wicker Man. The front sieve had a stuffed fabric head and neck attached. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Photographs from the early 20th century, in the collection of Amsterdam's Tropenmuseum (Museum of the Tropics), show another ritual dance, the Reog Ponogoro, involving a huge tiger mask and costume (Singa Barong), accompanied by Jatil riding woven bamboo hobby horses who perform the Jaran Kepang dance. Called the zaldiko, it forms an essential part of the carnival procession, together with the ziripot, a strange character in an enormous straw-stuffed costume.[24]. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Its appearances are based on the horses of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Hobby-horse. Originally published in 1963, this book was the first volume to be published in the author's long and distinguished series of collected essays. The mischievous horse was not intended to be malevolent, but its appearance and antics often frightened those it visited or encountered. Horse and cart. Some historical English Morris dance "sides" (teams) had hobby horses associated with them, but the popularity of such animals with morris sides today probably dates from the early years of the morris revival, when Ilmington Morris created a tourney horse, ridden by Sam Bennett for many years. But the Old French term is apparently adopted from English rather than vice versa. [16], Some regional variants of the mummers play, performed around All Souls' Day in Cheshire, included a non-speaking character called the "Wild Horse", made from a horse's skull mounted on a short pole. Hold your horses. Finally, on reaching the beach, the Earl is executed and thrown into the sea. The horse was played by a man, hidden under a cloth attached to the pole, who bent forward to rest the pole on the ground. Other stock characters in the parade include four masked, smartly dressed "old men" with walking sticks.