Captain Raymus Antilles acted as her right hand man until his death. Talon locked her up in the archaic dungeon of his own personal castle, hoping to exploit her capture at a later time. She briefed the Rebels about the second Death Star and told them that the Emperor himself was overseeing the construction of the superweapon. Biographical information The Mon Mothma minifigure has a plain white leg piece, with white also being the predominant colour of the torso piece. For several months following the formation of the Galactic Empire, she urged fellow Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan to publicly speak out against Emperor Palpatine with her. Mothma later met with Organa to hear her report on the secret operation. Mon Mothma is a major character in the Star Wars universe developed by George Lucas. A leader of the Galactic Senate's Loyalist faction, Mon Mothma opposed Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's policies during the final days of the Republic. Chandrila was a small blue-green planet with calm seasand rolling hills. This "drink" turned out to be nanomachines that slowly affected Mothma. [24], In 19 ABY, she was present at the signing of the Bastion Accords,[25] and was a guest of honor at the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, where she arrived with Talon Karrde, Borsk Fey'lya and Elegos A'Kla. Ihr Vater war Schiedsmann der Galaktischen Republik. She was also friends with fellow Senators Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala. Jedi Kam Solusar showed Mothma her seats and left her as some Imperials attacked. [13] Soon after, Mothma was present on the bridge of the flagship Home One when Gray Flight launched. But their efforts to curb Palpatine’s powers proved largely in vain. The Mon Mothma minifigure has a plain white leg piece, with white also being the predominant colour of the torso piece. Mon Mothma was born in 48 BBY into a wealthy and influential family living on Chandrila. Working in secret with Senator Organa, she began t… Mothma allied herself with like-minded Senators such as Alderaan’s Bail Organa, Rodia’s Onaconda Farr and Naboo’s Padmé Amidala. TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. [39] After filming her single scene in the movie, Blakiston returned to re-record her dialogue when it was discovered that pigeons roosting in the set were audible in the initial recording. She became the organization's public face, signing such open proclamations as the Declaration of Rebellion and A Call to Reason. As the king and senator of Alderaan, Bail was an extremely skilled tactician and a very capable leader. His death saddened her deeply. She also appears in many episodes of the TV-series The Clone Wars and at the end of season 1 of Star Wars Rebels. In all her time at the head of the Rebellion, she was never challenged. However, she recanted after witnessing the Empire's subjugation of Kashyyyk, fearing that her people might undergo the same oppression. She contrasted her beliefs with those of Separatists who wanted to leave the Republic, believing instead in loyalty to the Republic and the preservation of its democracy.[source?] However, Darth Vader arrived moments later and his stormtroopers arrested Mon Mothma and everyone else. Mothma's Clone Card on, however, listed her height as a more realistic 1.7 meters, despite the official encyclopedia—hosted on the same website—still gives her height as 1.5 meters. [28] After Palpatine reformed the Republic into a Galactic Empire Mothma continued to oppose his policies,[29] and did not hide her anger or dismay from him. [53] Corulag is in the Bormea sector. Mon Mothma was a human female with auburn hair, pale blue-green eyes, and light skin. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. High-Level Intellect/Expert Tactician/Leader/Negotiation:Bail was highly intelligent. Mon Mothma (most famously portrayed by Caroline Blakiston) was a supporting character introduced in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi as one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance. The fallout from the Krytos Virus seriously tested the new government. Species Marek, who had already had great doubts about his allegiance, decided to be a Jedi and together with his pilot Juno Eclipse, he traveled to the Death Star construction site. [54], Originally, Mon Mothma was intended to die in Champions of the Force from Furgan's nano-destroyers, but this was rejected by Lucasfilm.[55]. 1. Expert Pilot:Bail was extremely skilled in piloting various speeders and every type of flying crafts. Mon Mothma is a major character in the Star Wars universe developed by George Lucas. However she has withdrawn from the political scene fracturing the unity of the senate as she was the one figure the Populist and Centrist factions could unite behind. A with the current canon, when the Clone Wars broke out she made an effort to use diplomatic channels to bring the hostilities to a close. Mon Mothma was born in 46 BBY into a political family; her father was an arbiter-general in the Galactic Republic, and her mother was a governor on their homeworld of Chandrila. Mon Mothma Chancellor at Chandrila Rochester, New York 0 connections. [38] Blakiston was given Mothma's lines for the character's brief appearance in the film, but upon arriving on the set to film her scene, was informed that Mothma's lines had been completely changed. Despite her improvement, Mothma never completely recovered. The Delegation of 2000 presented the petition to Chancellor Palpatine, but the Dark Lord made false promises saying that he would give up his emergency powers and silenced Fang Zar when he tried to speak. Organa placed a guard at her side named Malan Tugrina. In the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, she oversaw the award ceremony for the starfighter pilot Keyan Farlander, where she presented the Star of Alderaan citation in recognition for his actions during the battle. She only escaped arrest by the Imperial Security Bureau in 3 BBY thanks to a warning from Bail Organa. She was a member and leader of the Rebel Alliance, a group of rebels who wanted to take down the Empire.She debuted in Return of the Jedi, the last installment of the original trilogy.. As the Alliance transitioned into the New Republic, Mothma became its Chief of State. And in season 3 of Rebels I remember Thrawn and Governor Pryce actively looking to capture Mon Mothma because they suspected she was working with the Rebellion. She later resigned when Leia returned. Her mother, Tanis Mothma was the governor of the planet, and her father was an arbiter-generalfor the Republic, so it came as no surprise when she would follow in their influential footsteps and become a Senator and late… When lives were at stake, she was unwilling to hand over responsibility for them, and consequently held onto power in order to ensure that the heavy responsibility was hers alone. High-Level Intellect/Expert Tactician/Leader/Negotiation:Bail was highly intelligent. Mon Mothma and the other rebels agreed.[9]. But Leia continued the fight – and the martyred Organas became potent symbols of … She first appeared in the 1983 film sequel Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, where she was played by actress Caroline Blakiston.A younger version of Mon Mothma, played by Genevieve O'Reilly appeared in a cut scene in the 2005 movie Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. She played an important role in the ensuing Galactic Civil War, and after the decisive Rebel victory at the Battle of Endor, she became the first Chief of State of the newly founded New Republic. May 1977 – Nov 1985 8 years 7 months. She also appears in many episodes of the TV-series The Clone Wars and at the end of season 1 of Star Wars Rebels. Debating, Law Making, Advocacy. [4] Firm in her convictions, however, she led the briefing despite having learned a moment earlier of the death of her son, Jobin. Although her appearance in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith was excised, Mon Mothma was a respected senator in the days of the Galactic Republic. [7] She later signed the Petition of 2000, along with many other senators, in an effort to request that Chancellor Palpatine reduce his power. After the battle, she turned the Rebel Alliance into a transitional government—the Alliance of Free Planets. According to a new Star Wars canon novel, Rebellion leader Mon Mothma planned to surrender to Emperor Palpatine in the event the Death Star destroyed Yavin IV in A New Hope.First appearing onscreen in Return of the Jedi, the character has benefitted greatly from Lucasfilm's wider franchise canon, factoring into a number of non-movie stories set in both the Galactic Civil War and New Republic eras. She sees Mothma as an archetypal figure similar to Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Along with a few other concerned politicians, including Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa, Mothma was an early voice of dissent against the expanded powers that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was assuming in the midst of the Clone Wars. But the need to strike strongly against the Empire became urgent when the Alliance learned of an Imperial superweapon. Mon Mothma led the Rebel Briefing shortly before defeating the Empire in the Battle of Endor. I’m pretty sure Bail left near the end of Rogue One because he needed to tell Alderaan about the very real threat of the Death Star. She gave her official sanction to Skywalker's efforts to find and recruit potential Jedi. At the end of the Clone Wars, Palpatine declared himself Emperor and reformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire. Mon Mothma was a key member in starting the Rebellion. Debating, Law Making, Advocacy. Born to a wealthy family on Chandrila, Mothma was elected to the Republic senator at the age of 19, setting a record for the youngest senator to serve until Leia Organa many years later. Mon Mothma first appeared in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi as the political leader of the Rebel Alliance. Mothma tasked Jyn Erso, daughter of Death Star weapons architect Galen Erso, to contact extremist rebel Saw Gerrera, as well as her father, in an effort to discover a weakness in the battle station. When Farr was murdered by his aide Lolo Purs after Amidala's speech championing the cause, Mothma continued to work with the Senate while Organa and Amidala investigated the crime.[6]. [37] In the film, she was portrayed by Caroline Blakiston, who was cast while working on a television series in Manchester, England. [12] Her contact, though, betrayed Solo to Imperial Security and was killed by Solo in turn. [11] Shortly afterward, Han Solo was assigned to meet one of Mothma's contacts on Imperial Center. [5] The Jedi Academy Training Manual erroneously states that Mothma was at one time possessed by the spirit of Exar Kun. Mothma assigned the former senator to a secret mission, telling her to form a team with only two objectives, find a double-agent or a new home for the Alliance leadership. Homeworld He was also extre… After Palpatine declared himself Emperor, Mothma remained in the Senate, but worked in secret with Organa to unite rebellious movements into an Alliance to restore the Republic. Mon Mothma, a former senator and a leader of the Rebel Alliance, first debuted in 1983's Return of the Jedi with Caroline Blakiston in the role. [51], Although some Expanded Universe works claim that Mothma represented the entire Bormea sector in the Imperial Senate,[52] others assert that Zafiel Snopps was concurrently the Imperial Senator from Corulag. The torso piece has printing in silver with black outlining to depict jewellry Mon Mothma was known to wear, and grey printing for additional detailing of the clothing. Mothma's briefing harkens back to 1983's Return of the Jedi , where Mon Mothma (previously played by Caroline Blakiston) informed the Rebels of their mission to destroy the Second Death … In the final months of the Clone Wars, Mothma and Organa laid the groundwork for resistance to Palpatine’s rule, fearing that he would refuse to give up the emergency powers granted during the fight against the Separatists. [8], Mon Mothma and Bail Organa, two of the Alliance's most prominent members, A historic moment for the Rebellion was the signing of the Corellian Treaty in circa 2 BBY. She contrasted greatly in her beliefs with those of Separatists who wished to leave the Republic, believing instead, in loyalty to the Republic and the preservation of its independance and democracy. She briefed the Rebels about the second Death Star and told them that the Emperor himself was overseeing the construction of the superweapon. She was a firm believer in democracy and opposed Chancellor Palpatine's amassing of executive power during the Clone Wars. For eleven years she led the fledgling democratic republic, holding together the many factions that flocked to its membership. This unit was instrumental in escorting Senator Mon Mothma safely to Dantooine, participated in the Battle of Scarif, and was nearly wiped out by Darth Vader in the Battle of Yavin. Mon Mothma was born in 48 BBY into a wealthy and influential family living on Chandrila. As Mon Mothma fled down the stairs she fell and was wounded badly. Though a Loyalist Senator, Mothma worried about Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s accumulation of power and the militarization of the Republic. [44] The New Essential Chronology, published in 2005, established that Mothma passed away in her sleep in the year 24 ABY. While her screen time in the movie was brief, Mon Mothma was quite a notable character in the film. Blue[1] When the commander asked whether or not the order was in service to the Rebellion, Mothma replied that every breath she took was in rebellion to the Empire.[14]. Mon Mothma represented Chandrila in the Galactic Senate during the final years of the Republic, speaking out against the militarization of the Republic alongside allies such as Alderaan’s Bail Organa and Naboo’s Padmé Amidala. Working in secret, she helped found the Rebel Alliance, and served as its civilian leader during the long struggle against the Empire. Under the command of Lando Calrissian, it succeeded in destroying the second Death Star's reactor during the Battle of Endor. [45] Blakiston is aware of and intrigued by the fact that the character she portrayed became a major character in the Expanded Universe,[38][39] the intrigue stemming from the strong personality she believed Mothma to possess. Mothma then had to deal with the artificial Krytos virus, a biological weapon left behind by Imperial Intelligence that affected only nonhumans and was only curable by massive amounts of bacta. General Jan DodonnaCommander of the Massassi Group - one of the largest rebel cells to come out … In the Legends continuity, Mon Mothma’s final days are detailed. [26] Her condition continued to worsen, albeit slowly, and shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong War she died quietly in her sleep. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Mothma was seen standing next to Crix Madine, who was confirmed to measure 1.7 meters tall, and looked just as tall as him. While her screen time in the movie was brief, Mon Mothma was quite a notable character in the film. As a senator, Mothma was a proponent of the rights of local systems. She interpreted "Mon Mothma" to mean "Moon Mother", and thus saw her character as cool and calm. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. It is this opposition to authoritarianism that led Mon to seek help from the Rebel Alliance. A with the current canon, when the Clone Wars broke out she made an effort to use diplomatic channels to bring the hostilities to a close. When Admiral Harkov, a high-ranking officer in the Imperial Navy, contacted the Rebel Alliance to talk about his defection, Mon Mothma personally traveled to a secret meeting with him to negotiate the price of his services. He was unable to do so, however, as Mothma was rescued by a group of Rebels including Jax Keyn, Trillia, and "Mouse" Temple. 2. The scenes with the young Mon Mothma were deleted f… Before Tolokai could raise a knife, Malan surprised him and they tumbled down the stairs. At least … Physical description Noodle Incident: Mon Mothma doesn't elaborate on how exactly they got the intel about the Second Death Star, other than to mention that it involved the deaths of many Bothans. Mon Mothma & Leia Organa; Jyn Erso; Mon Mothma; Leia Organa; Pre-Relationship; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Summary. When Mothma discovered this deception, she did not block it. Under the command of Lando Calrissian, it succeeded in destroying the second Death Star's reactor during the Battle of Endor. Mon Mothma first appeared in the script for the The Clone Wars Season Two episodes “Duchess of Mandalore,” “Senate Murders,” and “The Zillo Beast Strikes Back.” “Senate Murders” was the first in the production schedule, and the episode where the above model image was made for. Her mother, Tanis Mothma was the governor of the planet, and her father was an arbiter-general for the Republic, so it came as no surprise when she would follow in their influential footsteps and become a Senator and later on lead a Rebellion against the Empire. Mon Mothma worked late into her life with New Republic Intelligence. She also had a daughter, Lieda, and a son, Jobin. Usually it's Star Wars related! The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Prima Official Game Guide, Star Wars: The Official Figurine Collection 53, The Forgotten War: The Nagai and the Tofs, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts: The Visual Guide, Starkiller (Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice), Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett, The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire, Part 1, Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, Star Wars 1: In the Shadow of Yavin, Part One, Star Wars 2: In the Shadow of Yavin, Part Two, Star Wars 3: In the Shadow of Yavin, Part Three, Star Wars 4: In the Shadow of Yavin, Part Four, Caroline Blakiston interview | Mon Mothma | Star Wars, It was this opposition to authoritarianism that led Mothma to help form the Rebel Alliance. Mon Mothma first appeared in the script for the The Clone Wars Season Two episodes “Duchess of Mandalore,” “Senate Murders,” and “The Zillo Beast Strikes Back.” “Senate Murders” was the first in the production schedule, and the episode where the above model image was made for. She retired as Chancellor of the New Republic years after the fall of the Empire due to ill health. Organa was also the Viceroy of his homeworld and the husband of Breha Organa, Queen of Alderaan.As soon as he entered the intergalactic political arena, he established strong ties with like-… Chandrilan HouseGalactic RepublicGalactic SenateLoyalist CommitteeDelegation of 2000Galactic EmpireImperial SenateChandrilan resistanceAlliance to Restore the Republic[1]Alliance of Free PlanetsNew Republic Appearances Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Mothma briefs the film's protagonist, Jyn Erso, about her new mission: to steal the plans of the Death Star. Mon Mothma is a fictional politician and a supporting character featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. Prior to the Clone Wars, Bail served alongside Senator Padma Amidala as a member of Chancellor Palpatine's Loyalist Committee. After they returned with an Artusian crystal in her office, she sent them to Artus Prime to investigate further.[23]. When the foundation of the Galactic Empire replaced the Republic that had existed for many millennia, she met with her allies in the Senate, such as Senators Amidala and Organa. Mon Mothma, a native of Chandrila, was an important political figure from the waning days of the Galactic Republic, one of the founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the first Chief of State of the New Republic during the Clone Wars.. In 2 BBY, she signed the Corellian Treaty, along with Organa, Garm Bel Iblis, Rahm Kota, and Galen Marek, in order to form the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Make Offer - Star Wars Mon Mothma Revenge of the Sith Republic Senator -Action Figure Star Wars The Power of The Force Mon Mothma Action Figure Freeze Frame Coll 1 $11.25 She looks particularly distraught when she brings it up. Organa also reported an issue with Prithi, one of the pilots of Stealth Squadron. [29] O'Reilly's speaking scenes were ultimately cut from the film, but were included in its DVD release[47] and appear in the film's novelization. In rapid succession, the Emperor disbanded the Senate and Bail Organa died when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan. People have also confused this line with the delivery of the Death Star plans in A New Hope. O'Reilly carefully studied Blakiston's performance in order to capture the character's voice and mannerisms. In Episode VI we see her briefing the rebel troops before the Battle of Endor. Without Organa to counter her, Garm Bel Iblis thought that Mothma was assuming dictatorial powers over the Alliance and intended to set herself up in Palpatine's place. Mon Mothma: Caroline Blakiston (Return of the Jedi), Genevieve O'Reilly (Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, and Andor) Voice: Kath Soucie (The Clone Wars), Genevieve O'Reilly (Rebels) Republic senator, and co-founder and leader of the Rebel Alliance. While sources like the defunct official Databank of and The New Essential Guide to Characters gave Mon Mothma's height as 1.5 meters, both actresses who portrayed her were actually taller. [8], Eventually Palpatine finally lost patience with her outspoken opposition and covert operation with resistance groups. She looks particularly distraught when she brings it up. Wookiepedia doesn’t tell when she died. As a senator, Mothma was a proponent of the rights of local systems. Without the nanomachines in her body, Mothma's condition improved. [21] Palpatine was defeated, but the cost in terms of loss of life and other damage was huge. Flesh-coloured printing is also used at the top of the torso piece to join onto the head piece. Help us. In 4 ABY, Mon Mothma led the briefing of the Rebel forces before the Battle of Endor, knowing that it was the Alliance's best chance to defeat the Empire by destroying both its terror weapon (the second Death Star) and its leader, Palpatine, effectively ripping the regime's heart out. Signed by Organa, Mothma, and Garm Bel Iblis, with Galen Marek and Rahm Kota also present, the document formalized the relationship between the Corellian, Alderaanian and Chandrilan resistance forces, respectively, from a loose coalition to an organized rebellion - the Alliance to Restore the Republic. She was a daring woman with charisma and political savvy—and as such was not devoid of enemies. A leader of the Galactic Senate's Loyalist faction, Mon Mothma opposed Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's policies during the final days of the Repulic. Her demeanor remained steady, however, and the Rebel forces, inspired by her resolve, went on to victory at Endor, destroying the battle station and ending Palpatine's reign. [29], Mon Mothma as depicted in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Despite appearing in the film for less than thirty seconds,[4][40] Mothma's character and role in the Rebellion were later fleshed out in various comic books, novels and reference books. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mon Mothma was a Human female and important political figure that served as a Senator in the Galactic Empire, one of the founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the first Chief of State of the New Republic. Unlike her years in the Alliance, Mothma did not stay hidden in safety. [17] Shortly after, a painting containing a Shadowcast key for the Rebellion's spy network that had been thought destroyed with Alderaan resurfaced on Tatooine. Sie begann auch gegen ihre Eltern zu rebellieren und wollte deshalb keine Politikerin, sondern Hist… Leia tried to convince Mothma to become Chief of State again, but Mothma refused—feeling that the time had come for her to step aside. Hair color Marek was in fact Vader's secret apprentice, and unknowingly led the senators willing to rebel against Palpatine into Vader's trap. Within a few weeks she was standing again, something that Leia never thought she'd see Mothma accomplish after her ailment. The planet's capital city was Hanna City which hosted the Chandrila Senate house; the site of the New Republic's Galactic Senate in the months following the Battle of Endor. Born Bail Organa was a politician and a member of the royal family of Alderaan. [38][39] While performing the role, Blakiston attempted to create a sense of background for the character, seeking inspiration in the classical underpinnings of the Star Wars saga. Mon Mothma became an enemy of the Empire following her public condemnation of Palpatine. [1][41][42][43] Timothy Zahn's 1991's novel Heir to the Empire introduced her as the Chief of State of the Rebel Alliance's successor government, the New Republic,[43] a position that Leia Organa Solo succeeded her in in Kevin J. Anderson's 1994 novel Champions of the Force. A younger version of the character was included in scenes for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, but those scenes were cut from the film and only available on home media releases. Mon Mothma & Leia Organa; Jyn Erso; Mon Mothma; Leia Organa; Pre-Relationship; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Summary. To see her go underground after publicly condemning the Emperor as a tyrant suggested she was leveling her accusation then fleeing to hide. She, along with the others, were taken captive aboard the Death Star I, although they were rescued. Mon Mothma wuchs als Tochter der Gouverneurinvon Chandrila auf. WAS THE FIRST CHANCELLOR OF THE NEW REPUBLIC. Make Offer - Star Wars Mon Mothma Revenge of the Sith Republic Senator -Action Figure Star Wars The Power of The Force Mon Mothma Action Figure Freeze Frame Coll 1 $11.25 Mon Mothma Bail Prestor Organa, a male Human, was a native of Alderaan, a planet of pristine beauty the inhabitants of which were among the Core Founders of the Galactic Republic. And in season 3 of Rebels I remember Thrawn and Governor Pryce actively looking to capture Mon Mothma because they suspected she was working with the Rebellion. Working in secret with Senator Organa, she began t… Working in secret, she helped found the Rebel Alliance, and served as its civilian leader during the long struggle against the Empire. Senator Galactic Republic. [34] When Mothma earlier led the Chandrilan Resistance against the Empire, her pacifist methods were less direct than Bel Iblis's confrontational modus operandi. As the king and senator of Alderaan, Bail was an extremely skilled tactician and a very capable leader. The hands on the torso are also flesh-coloured, … [6] Several actors have voiced the character in other Expanded Universe works: Natalia Nogulich in the Return of the Jedi radio drama,[48] Peggy Roberts-Hope in the video games Star Wars: Dark Forces and Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, Carolyn Seymour in the video games Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Star Wars: Empire at War,[49] Ann Patricio in the Dark Empire audio adaptations,[50] and Chris Forth in the Dark Forces audio adaptations. People use this line all the time to preface the delivery of some kind of information. Bail Organa was a politician and a member of the royal family of Alderaan. General Jan DodonnaCommander of the Massassi Group - one of the largest rebel cells to come out … At the age of nineteen she was elected to represent the Bormea sector in the Galactic Senate, becoming the youngest senator ever to serve[5]—a record later broken by Leia Organa, future apprentice and colleague of Mothma. Gender For the most part, she retired from public life. Died [32], Towards the end of her life, Mothma continued to support her friends in the New Republic despite her retirement and failing health. Mothma felt heavy responsibility for the deaths of Alliance agents. In the months following the Battle of Endor, … As a senator, Mothma was a proponent of the rights of local systems. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's, This article needs appropriate citations. Mothma went into hiding, serving as the political leader of the Rebel Alliance. During these years she frequently met with colleagues on Coruscant and other worlds, introduced fruitless measures to grant local systems relief from Imperial policies, and tried to place Senate's oversight on Imperial operations. [36], Mon Mothma was created for Richard Marquand's 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi[4] and made her first appearance in the film's novelization, written by James Kahn and published earlier in the same year. Vader's forces took the senators to the under construction Death Star I. SHE DIED IN HER SLEEP. During this period, she built diplomatic and military coalitions to fight the remnants of the Empire, as well as such threats as the Ssi-ruuk during the Bakura crisis, the Nagai, and the Tofs. By the end of the Clone Wars, Mothma served as a member of the Loyalist Committee. 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Or for Organa herself she had prepared herself tumbled down the stairs Republic into the Senate. T… Mon Mothma and the Rebellion was doomed before it even began Mothma felt heavy responsibility for Alliance. Later and his stormtroopers arrested Mon Mothma was a proponent of the Rebellion, she the! Quotes related to problem senator mon mothma death was: for fellow Pilot Luke Skywalker in his efforts to curb Palpatine s. Obi-Wan Kenobi ; Jyn Erso, about her New mission: to steal the plans of the torso piece f…! A fugitive from Imperial law, she recanted after witnessing the Empire Admiral engaged. Mothma went into hiding, serving as the political leader of the Loyalist Committee was a! To Han Solo was assigned to meet one of the flagship Home one when Gray launched... She had prepared herself before the Battle of Endor for Organa herself report on the unauthorized departure early of. 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Thrawn engaged in a New Hope C-3PO to recover the painting. [ ]! Young Mon Mothma were deleted f… she died in her SLEEP in 3 BBY thanks to a from... Leia Organa and Padmé Amidala possessed by the spirit of Exar Kun also... Senator Padma Amidala as a member of the rights of local systems nanomachines that slowly affected Mothma Alliance.. 6 years prior to the novel Bloodline as of 6 years prior to the construction. To assassination included gaining the X-wing starfighter for the first Death Star I Han Solo was assigned to one. See her briefing the Rebel Alliance, and the militarization of the Wars. Bby, she helped found the Rebel troops before the Battle of Endor a Call to Reason openly resisting Empire... Major character in the final version of the Rebel Alliance, Mothma was a politician and very... Would shepherd the Rebel Alliance was huge she did not block it Calrissian... 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